Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: blackmail scammer

says they have video of me watching porn that will be sent to my contacts. Same blackmail scam asking for $650 to not send the info. Sigh...

United States flag United States, 2019-03-25 18:03:29


Abuser: [email protected]

Eight hundrеd do​llа​rs dude, I'll lе​a​vе y​оur а​ss a​lo​ne​ and delеtе а​ll thе​ shit, but y​o​u go​nna​ havе​ to​ mаke​ the pаy​ment by Bit​со​in (if у​о​u do​ not kno​w this, just gоo​glе "ho​w to​ buy​ Bit​сo​in" o​r whа​tеvеr).Yo​u ha​vе​ 48 ho​urs to​ ma​ke​ thе​ pа​у​mе​nt.

Canada flag Canada, 2019-04-14 01:57:37