Blackmail scam
Abuser: 122F3j5EfUKnuKjFY54pCE43C793eVPSTY
Greetings! I have got two not really pleasant news for you. I have been monitoring your internet activities for some time by now. The only person to blame in this situation is you, since you are a big fan of adult websites and also have got an uncontrollable desire to indulge yourself with another orgasm. Simply speaking, all your porn websites search requests have become a key to access your device. I have filtered out the worst perverts from the list. Yeah, you are one of them. Not everyone chooses to watch such hardcore videos… Basically, I have infected your device with one of the best Trojan viruses in the market. It was relatively easy, since I have access to your email address. It was sufficient to prepare one of your routine emails asking you to click the harmful link… My spyware functions as a driver. Hence, I can fully control your device and have access to your microphone, camera, cursor and set of symbols.
Generally speaking, your device is some sort of my remote PC. Since this spyware is driver-based, then I can constantly update its signatures, so that no antivirus can detect it.
While digging through your hard drive, I have saved your entire contact list, social media access, chat history and media files. One week ago, I have montaged a videoclip, which shows you masturbating on one side of the screen and on the other side a porn video
that you were watching at that moment of time – recently this type of exotic stuff is really popular on the internet! Don’t worry, I will need just a few mouse clicks in order to share this video with your entire contact list and upload it to some porn website, like Bigle.
I am offering a simple and reasonable solution: All you need to do is transfer an amount equivalent to $1150 (USA Dollars) to my bitcoin wallet and we both forget about this silly story forever. Here is my bitcoin wallet (BTC): 122F3j5EfUKnuKjFY54pCE43C793eVPSTY .....
United States, 2021-06-04 19:06:40