Abuse to Bitcoin address

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: Boone Nelson

On Facebook Boone Nelson uses pages he/she hacked to get others to believe she is a broker and professional with trading bitcoin. She uses multiply sources for payment such as Zelle Digital Mint and many bitcoin addresses. A few known addresses are 1LR9Xez6mm3EwL7cmASspRoTDZgRQWdFfF and 122HA9PGCH7mZTSi4vuHnwnaYT7x9reUBi Can someone please stop he/she immediately she has caused so many people pain.

United States flag United States, 2022-06-22 07:38:57


Abuser: Recover your lost money

Good work deserves recommendation... i lost over 2.3 BTC on Instagram bitcoin scam.. Right about 2 weeks after my ordeal with them I tried using the recommendation from someone on one of the comment section www.reportfraudcenter.com I was able to get all my money back in less than 48 hours.. Contact www.reportfraudcenter.com to recover all your stolen bitcoins free of charge

United States flag United States, 2022-06-22 16:49:40