Blackmail scam
Abuser: n/a
tried to get past spam filter by doing crude character replacement
Canada, 2020-02-21 15:19:26tried to get past spam filter by doing crude character replacement
Canada, 2020-02-21 15:19:26Well, $I ac*tually placed a malware on ^the porn website and guess~ what, you visited this web site #to h^ave fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching -th$e vid^e!o, you@r web browser- acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a #keylo@gg@er which pr!ovided me access to your display scr*een a'nd webcam. R#ight afte!r th$at, my software gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook account,! and email account. What ~#exactly d^'id~' I do? I &made a spli-t-screen video. First pa^rt recorded the video you w*e#re viewing (you've go^t a` fine` &taste haha)-, and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It's you doing nasty things!). What s@houl*d you` ^d@o? W@ell, I b'elieve, $1900 ~is %a fair p%rice for our- $little secret. You'll make the pa@yment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don't know this, search "how to buy b@itcoin" in Google).
Canada, 2020-02-21 15:23:59I know 3aa3a2e63a6c776bcd02029abff0637f is your password. You don@'t know me a$nd you're t^hinking why you received this e mail, righ%t? Well, I actually place@d a mal%ware on* t*h~e p&orn we@b^site a^nd -guess what, you visited this w#eb site to have fu$n (you know what I *mean). *Wh~ile you were watching` the v`ideo, your web browser acted as *a*! RDP (Remote Desktop)# ~and a& ke#ylogger whic'h provided` me acc`ess to yo-ur displa%y s`creen $and webcam. Right af`ter tha@t, @my software gathered all your contacts from yo&ur Messenger, Face^b*oo@k account, and ema$il *account. Wha$t exactl^y$ did I d*o? I made a split-sc!reen video. First part- recorded the video you w`ere viewing (you'v$e got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It's you doing nasty thing@s!).
Canada, 2020-02-21 15:27:07I know 3aa3a2e63a6c776bcd02029abff0637f is your password. You% d%on`'t know me *and you're thin#king why you receiv~ed t$his e m^ail, right#? We#ll, I actually pl~aced a malware on the porn website a~nd@ g*uess what, yo!u vi@s&#ited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While %you were watching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desk^top) and a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right` after that, my software gathe@red all your contacts from# *'your M#essenger, Face$book ~-accoun%t, and email acco&unt. Wh&at exac@tly~ di#d' I do? I made a sp`lit-screen v$ideo. First part recorded the video you were viewing (you've got a fine% taste h^aha), and# next part recorded y^our w#ebc^am (Yep!! It's you doi~ng nasty things!).
Canada, 2020-02-21 15:28:14I know mtfbwy is your password. Yo~u don't know me and you're thinkin%g why you r`eceived this e mail, right? Well, I actually placed a malware on the# porn w&ebsite and guess what, ^you visited th%is web site to have fun (you know !wh$at I mean). Whil$e you we#r%e watchi&n@g t~he video, y!o#ur web br*-owser acted as a`! RDP (Re!mote Desktop) and a keylogger which p&ro'vided -me ac!cess to y@our display screen and webcam. Rig*#ht after that, my so@ftwar$e g-athered all your contacts fr-om %your Me'ssenger, F$aceb-ook `account, and@ email accoun@t. ... Well, I* beli$eve, $1900 is a fair price for o%ur little secret. You'll make the payment via Bitcoin to the bel@ow address (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Go~ogle). B'T'C Address: 125HTdfjM3QQsNDwnWAS4is9vTdeeAuGmX (It is #cA$sE sensitive, `s`o cop'y and paste! @it)
United States, 2020-02-21 15:56:38Threatened me with bribery and i never went to any porn site...
United States, 2020-02-21 16:12:35Really, you effin wanker - spam, complete scam. Please roll over and die
United States, 2020-02-21 16:28:57Blackmail for alleged video.
United States, 2020-02-21 17:59:26I have your password and you should pay. Complete spam
United States, 2020-02-21 18:15:54clearly phishing for vulnerable and gullable internet users on mass scale. IP track and lock them up please
United Kingdom, 2020-02-21 20:29:17Scam alert sent by some twat
United States, 2020-02-21 21:56:04I know 3aa3a2e63a6c776bcd02029abff0637f is your password. You don't know me and you're thinking why you received this e mail, r'ight? Well, I actually placed a ma*lware ^on the porn website and guess what, y`%ou visit^ed this web site to have %fun (you know what I mean). While& you were watchin@g the vi%deo, your web browser acted a@$s a RDP !('Remote Desktop) an&d a keylogger& which provided me acc'ess to your displa-y~ scree$n and webcam. @Right after @that, my soft'ware g&athered all yo%ur contacts #from your Messe$nger, Faceboo&k account, and email account. What 'exactly did I do? I made a split-s!creen video. @First par#t re@corded the vid*eo- you- were viewing !(you've got *a fine taste `haha), and next part recorded your w@'ebca-m (Yep! It's you doing nasty !!-things!).
Canada, 2020-02-21 23:24:49I know 3aa3a2e63a6c776bcd02029abff0637f is your password. You don'!t know me and y&ou're thinking why you receive'd this e mail, $right? Well, I ac~tually placed a malware on the po!rn website and& g%uess what,- you visited this web *site to have fun (y*ou know wh'at I mean). While you were watching the video, y!our web br'owser! acted as a' RDP ('Remote Desktop) an%d a ke-ylogger which provid#ed$ me access to# your display scre~en and webcam. Right af@ter that, my software gathered all your contact-s% from your Messenger, @Fa-c^ebo&ok acc@ount, and email account. What exactl'^y ~did I `do? I made a split-screen v*ideo. ^Fi~rst part` recorded the video you were# vi'ewing %(you've got %a fine taste^ haha), and next part recorded your w~ebc`am (Yep'! It's you doing *n$asty things!).
Canada, 2020-02-21 23:25:56I know 3aa3a2e63a6c776bcd02029abff0637f is your password. You don'!t know me and y&ou're thinking why you receive'd this e mail, $right? Well, I ac~tually placed a malware on the po!rn website and& g%uess what,- you visited this web *site to have fun (y*ou know wh'at I mean). While you were watching the video, y!our web br'owser! acted as a' RDP ('Remote Desktop) an%d a ke-ylogger which provid#ed$ me access to# your display scre~en and webcam. Right af@ter that, my software gathered all your contact-s% from your Messenger, @Fa-c^ebo&ok acc@ount, and email account. What exactl'^y ~did I `do? I made a split-screen v*ideo. ^Fi~rst part` recorded the video you were# vi'ewing %(you've got %a fine taste^ haha), and next part recorded your w~ebc`am (Yep'! It's you doing *n$asty things!).
Canada, 2020-02-21 23:26:54I know 3aa3a2e63a6c776bcd02029abff0637f is your password^. You don't k!now me and you're thinking why you received this e mail, right? Wel&l, I act~ually placed a malware' on the porn website and guess what, you visited this web #si`te t@-o have fun -(you know w@hat I 'mean). While y$o-u wer%e watching the video, your we~b browser #acted- as a RDP (-Remo^te Deskt!op) and a keylogger which #provided me acc-ess to your display scre$en and webcam. Right after that, m*y* `softwar~e gather~ed all your contacts from your M*essenger, Facebook account, and email account. What e@x*actl&y did I do? I made a sp*lit-scree!~n video'. First` part &rec`orded the vid*eo you were viewing% (you've got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It's yo~u doi&ng nasty things!).
Canada, 2020-02-21 23:27:57