So... I know the fact that you like to watch P0RN0graphic videos!
Your smartphone got infected so I was able to use your microphone and your camera and record you in slient mode, without you knowing while you satisfy yourself! Here is the deal... you have to pay me 500$ equivalent value in BIT C0lN the video with you(doing you know what) will be sent to your contacts.
My hidden application that is installed also had another function, to extract all your contacts from phonebook, social media contacts, emails. Did I got the passwords? No, because all smartphones have like a virus defender so they scan what actually an app can do, so stealing passwords? Not good, this can be detected! Using camera and extracting contacts without the use know? Normal stuff!
Ok! So.. to get some coins you can Google for "Buy BIT C0lN instantly" and send the coins to the next address:
Address: 1 2 U g n i h j i V e t J i y h 7 T 3 H m U A 6 k P g W m 3 o m p 7
Amount: 0.012
Important! My address which is Case Sensitive was split with spaces, and you have to remove manually all spaces and the result must to be a string of 34 characters long also it will start with "1" also it will end with "7". Use that string with no spaces to send the coins! You have a few days!
Anway, to get rid of my backdoor sneaky application apply a reset with factory settings. Go on Google and search for "Reset Factory Settings [your model phone]". Also maybe you think that I got your passwords, you can change them! To stop getting vlruses... next time, keep your OS up to date!
Also, you may took in consideration to quit looking to this type of videos.. it makes a mess in your brain.
When the payment is made if you still get those messages just ignore them. The hacked servers are scheduled to send multiple messages.
United States, 2021-01-12 09:26:52