Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Bobina Gurse

Listen, I actually know the scummy secrets of your life. I won't reveal you what exactly I know, I've the information along with me. To demonstrate my point, just let myself reveal you that one of your passwords is definitely bluestone42. Pay me $2000 via Bitcoin to the address 12VvHBtKWpxYYLWwMXaJRwE1pqto91GMQD in the next 44 hours. Let me make one thing clear, that I will devastate your life entirely if I don't get the payment. In case I get the payment, I'm going to remove each details I have with me, and I will vanish entirely and you will definitely never hear a thing from myself. This is actually the first and also last e-mail from me as well as the offer is non negotiables, so do not respond to this mail.

United States flag United States, 2018-11-14 13:50:56

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Garreth Freyman

Hi - I came to know all of the sneaky secrets of your life. I will not explain you just what exactly I know, I have everything along with me. To demonstrate this, allow me tell you that one of your passwords is definitely OmegaMu. Send me $6000 via BITC01N to the address 1KTY4rwv7C9RQHbiJtwaUMQ7ucv36mu2oJ within the next 48 hrs. I want to make one important thing obvious, that I will devastate your life entirely if I don't get the payment. However, if I get the payment, I'll erase each info I have with me, and i'll disappear altogether and you will never hear a thing from me. This is actually the first as well as final email from me and also the offer is non negotiable, hence do not reply to this mail.

United States flag United States, 2018-11-17 23:38:23


Abuser: Hilbert Luyendyk

Hey, I actually know the filthy secrets of your life. I will not reveal you what I know, I have the information with me. To prove my point, just let myself tell you that one of your security passwords is definitely 927563BRON. Send me $4000 via Bitcoin to the address 12VvHBtKWpxYYLWwMXaJRwE1pqto91GMQD within the next 47 hrs. I want to make one thing really clear, that I will spoil your life fully if I don't get the payment. Should I get the payment, I'll delete every single info I have with me, and i'll go away for good and you will definitely never ever hear a thing from myself. This is the first and final mail from me as well as the offer is non negotiables, thus do not reply to this mail.

France flag France, 2018-11-18 18:36:06

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Tirrell Bliss

Li‌ste‌n, I kno‌w the‌ scu‌mmy se‌cre‌ts. I wo‌n't re‌ve‌a‌l yo‌u‌ wha‌t e‌xa‌ctly I kno‌w, I ha‌ve‌ the‌ i‌nfo‌rma‌ti‌o‌n a‌lo‌ng wi‌th me‌. To‌ de‌mo‌nstra‌te‌ my po‌i‌nt, no‌w le‌t me‌ sa‌y to‌ yo‌u‌ tha‌t o‌ne‌ o‌f yo‌u‌r se‌cu‌ri‌ty pa‌sswo‌rds i‌s de‌fi‌ni‌te‌ly j457veku. Pa‌y me‌ $‌1000 vi‌a‌ *Bi‌tco‌i‌n* to‌ the‌ a‌ddre‌ss 1DHKFPRmddGamtPH52VKan32QJPwNbJeaZ i‌n the‌ ne‌xt 43 hrs. I wa‌nt to‌ ma‌ke‌ o‌ne‌ i‌mpo‌rta‌nt thi‌ng stra‌i‌ghtfo‌rwa‌rd, tha‌t I wi‌ll ru‌i‌n yo‌u‌r li‌fe‌ to‌ta‌lly i‌f I do‌ no‌t ge‌t the‌ pa‌yme‌nt. Sho‌u‌ld I do‌ ge‌t the‌ pa‌yme‌nt, I'll re‌mo‌ve‌ e‌ve‌ry la‌st i‌nfo‌rma‌ti‌o‌n I ha‌ve‌ wi‌th me‌, a‌nd I wi‌ll di‌sa‌ppe‌a‌r a‌nd yo‌u‌'ll do‌ no‌t he‌a‌r a‌nythi‌ng fro‌m myse‌lf. Thi‌s i‌s a‌ctu‌a‌lly the‌ fi‌rst a‌s we‌ll a‌s la‌st e‌ma‌i‌l fro‌m me‌ a‌s we‌ll a‌s the‌ o‌ffe‌r i‌s no‌n ne‌go‌ti‌a‌ble‌, the‌re‌fo‌re‌ do‌ no‌t re‌spo‌nd to‌ thi‌s ma‌i‌l.

France flag France, 2018-11-23 08:02:54