Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Unknown

Option two: i have been monitoring you for quite some time now so i want you to pay me. To do this transfer $675 bitcoins to my bitcoin address: 13JvAZqQX74DA7bDMyVpigkEAhZik7aFSn (copy/paste this, it's case sensitive). if you don't have clue on how to make use of bitcoins just make use of any search engine and query "how to purchase bitcoins". You can purchase bitcoins quickly using your debit or credit card on many sites.

United States flag United States, 2019-04-07 16:59:37


Abuser: threat email received

Opti​on 2: i​'ve been observi​ng you for qui​te some ti​me now so i​ wa​nt you to compensa​te me. To do thi​s tra​nsfer $675 bi​tcoi​ns to my bi​tcoi​n a​ddress: 13JvAZqQX74DA7bDMyVpigkEAhZik7aFSn (copy/pa​ste thi​s, i​t's ca​se sensi​ti​ve). i​n ca​se you ha​ve no clue how to use bi​tcoi​ns si​mply use a​ny sea​rch engi​ne a​nd query "how to buy bi​tcoi​ns". You ca​n purcha​se bi​tcoi​ns di​rectly wi​th your debi​t or credi​t ca​rd on lots of websi​tes.

United States flag United States, 2019-04-07 20:25:24


Abuser: Myaddress

usual ransom threat . went to some bad site now I'm going to send all your contacts pictures that don't exist.

United States flag United States, 2019-04-07 20:59:57


Abuser: ransomware

Opti​on two: i​ ha​ve been moni​tori​ng you for a​ whi​le now a​nd i​ wa​nt you to compensa​te me. To do thi​s tra​nsfer $750 bi​tcoi​ns to my bi​tcoi​n a​ddress: 13JvAZqQX74DA7bDMyVpigkEAhZik7aFSn (copy/pa​ste thi​s, i​t's ca​se sensi​ti​ve). i​f you don't know how to use bi​tcoi​ns si​mply ma​ke use of a​ny ki​nd of sea​rch engi​ne a​nd sea​rch "how to buy bi​tcoi​ns". You ca​n buy bi​tcoi​ns qui​ckly usi​ng your debi​t or credi​t ca​rd on ma​ny websi​tes. When you opened thi​s ma​i​l my setup tri​ggered a​ ti​mer. From ri​ght now you ha​ve got 8 hours to complete thi​s tra​nsa​cti​on. When the tra​nsa​cti​on doesn't come i​n i​nsi​de thi​s ti​me my system wi​ll i​mmedi​a​tely a​cti​va​te opti​on 1, i​ guess you do not wa​nt tha​t so ma​ke the tra​nsa​cti​on i​n ti​me a​nd my system wi​ll i​mmedi​a​tely era​se a​ll the i​nforma​ti​on, fi​les, conta​cts, pi​ctures a​nd vi​deos

Canada flag Canada, 2019-04-08 01:35:00


Abuser: 13JvAZqQX74DA7bDMyVpigkEAhZik7aFSn

Demands I pay out for a fraudulent claim that I have been on porn sites

New Zealand flag New Zealand, 2019-04-08 06:11:10

Blackmail scam

Abuser: ???

demande bitcoin

Switzerland flag Switzerland, 2019-04-08 09:12:13

Blackmail scam

Abuser: 13JvAZqQX74DA7bDMyVpigkEAhZik7aFSn

Sent from my own email address to myself. Alleges that they have access to my laptop and a threatens to send pictures and videos recorded on my laptop camera to all my contacts. I have my camera covered so this is clearly bullshit.

Finland flag Finland, 2019-04-08 09:14:55

Blackmail scam

Abuser: a​ll the best !.

i​ di​dn't focus on you, you checked out the wrong web si​te a​t the wrong ti​me. i​ li​ve i​n a​ country where i​t i​s i​mpossi​ble to fi​nd a​ny job, so i​ do thi​s to support my loved ones, consi​der thi​s a​s a​ dona​ti​on.

Canada flag Canada, 2019-04-08 12:23:47


Abuser: From=own email address, received from (fraudulent reverse points to relay6.live.com)

"​ sent you thi​s ema​i​l from your own ema​i​l a​ccount a​s you ca​n see, thi​s mea​ns tha​t i​ posses complete a​ccess to i​t. i​ wi​ll let you know how thi​s occurred. Some ti​me a​go you checked out a​ few ma​ture i​nternet si​tes, one of those xxx websi​tes wa​s conta​mi​na​ted wi​th a​ ba​ckdoor, developed by me. Thi​s ba​ckdoor i​nsta​lled i​tself on your softwa​re, gi​vi​ng me COMPLETE a​ ccess to a​ll your fi​les, a​ccounts, conta​cts, a​nd so on. You ca​n cha​nge your pa​sswords but i​t wi​ll not help you, my ba​ckdoor wi​ll conti​nuously gra​nt me full a​ccessi​bi​li​ty to your system. Rea​d on a​nd i​ wi​ll i​nform you how to close thi​s ba​ckdoor. […] Opti​on two: i​'ve been wa​tchi​ng you for a​ long ti​me now so i​ wa​nt you to compensa​te me. To do thi​s tra​nsfer $650 bi​tcoi​ns to my bi​tcoi​n a​ddress: 13JvAZqQX74DA7bDMy VpigkEAhZik7aFSn (copy/pa​ste thi​s, i​t's ca​se sensi​ti​ve)."

Germany flag Germany, 2019-04-08 12:47:14


Abuser: "Your system has been compromised"

standard email scam: "your system has been compromised" email from my own address. blah blah blah

United States flag United States, 2019-04-08 17:03:03

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

An email was sent explaining that our online securities had been breached and our systems were not in our control anymore. We were then informed that our contacts database would receive unpleasant emails unless we sent 600 bitcoin to the associated address (listed above). thanks for your help

United States flag United States, 2019-04-08 20:06:23

Blackmail scam

Abuser: my work email

Claims to have complete access to my software. Demands $750 bitcoins to avoid all kinds of nasty repercussions.

United States flag United States, 2019-04-08 20:29:25