Abuser: Älä unohda maksamatonta maksuasi. Maksa nyt velkasi loppuun.
extort money
United States, 2022-08-22 10:16:47extort money
United States, 2022-08-22 10:16:47Hei! Valitettavasti minulla on sinulle huonoja uutisia. Noin muutama kuukausi sitten sain täyden pääsyn kaikkiin sinun laitteitiisi, joita sinä käytät internetin selaamiseen. Pian tämän jälkeen aloin seuraamaan kaikkia sinun tekemisiäsi Internetissä. Kertaan sinulle vielä että miten onnistuin tekemään sen: Aluksi ostin hakkereilta pääsyn sinun sähköposteihin (se on todella helppoa tänä päivänä Internetin avulla) Kuten näet niin onnistuin kirjautumaan juuri sinun sähköpostitilille ja vielä todella helposti
United States, 2022-08-22 11:24:26Standard sextortion scam arrived from ip
United States, 2022-08-22 11:29:13I lost my money to an online scammer last month through crypto currency Bitcoin transactions, I tried all I could to get the money back at a point i came across a United States crypto recovery expert agency. Visit: ( an agency helping a lot of people in getting back their funds, I got in contact with them and I provided all information they needed for the recovery, within 48hours they got back my money, I confirmed the payment in my wallet account. Please if you are a victim of online scam quickly contact them to recover all your lost money easily.
United States, 2022-08-22 11:38:14Sextortion
United States, 2022-08-22 11:43:51Claims to have broken to a corporate computer account and requests a ransom of 1350 euros, or otherwise embarrassing videos (???) will be published.
United States, 2022-08-22 12:04:50Seuraava luettelo sisältää asioita, joita sinun tulee ehdottomasti välttää tekemästä tai edes yrittämästä: > Älä yritä vastata tähän sähköpostiin (koska sähköpostin luodaan postilaatikossasi palautusosoitteen kanssa). > Älä yritä soittaa tai ilmoittaa poliisillen tai muille viranomaisille. Lisäksi on huono idea, jos haluat jakaa tämän ystäviesi kesken toivoen, että he auttaisivat. Jos saan selville (mahtaita taitojani käyttäen, se onnistuu vaivattomasti, koska minulla on kaikki laitteesi ja tilisi hallinnassani ja tarkkailen jatkuvasti.) - kivoja videoitasi jaetaan julkisuuteen samana päivänä. > Älä etsi minua - sekään ei joda mihinkään. Kryptovaluuttojen tapahtumat ovat täysin anonyymejä, eikä niitä voi seurata. >Älä asenna järjestelmääsi uudelleen laitteisiin tai heitä niitä pois. Se ei myöskään ratkaise ongelmaa, koska kaikki henkilökohtaiset videosi on jo ladattu palvelimelleni.
United States, 2022-08-22 12:15:14Älä unohda maksamatonta maksuasi. Maksa nyt velkasi loppuun.
United States, 2022-08-22 12:28:51The abuser told me he had set a trojan in my computer and seen me watching porn and masturbating. So he wanted bitcoins in order not to make it public to my contacts. The long text was written in good Finnish.
United States, 2022-08-22 12:32:47I lost $214,000 to an online scammer last month through crypto currency Bitcoin transactions, I tried all I could to get the money back at a point I Came across an expert recovery webpage on , who had also helped a lot of people in getting back their funds, I got in contact with them and I provided all information he needed for the recovery within 48hours they got back my money, I confirmed the payment in my wallet account, I can’t stop thanking them.
United States, 2022-08-22 13:11:33To show public all videos and pictures of me masturbaiting, that the Trojan horse is in my all electronical devices: Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you. About a few months ago I got full access to all your devices that you use to browse the internet. Soon after that I started following everything you do on the internet. I'll tell you again how I managed to do it: At first I bought access to your emails from hackers (it's really easy these days with the internet) As you can see, I managed to log into your e-mail account and very easily Within a week, I already installed a trojan virus on your system, which is available on all the devices you use to read e-mails Frankly, it was really easy (because you were kind enough to open some links in your inbox.) Yes, there are geniuses among us. With this useful software, I can now access all the controls on your devices (eg video camera, keyboard, microphone, etc.) As a result, I managed to upload all your photos, personal information, browsing history and all other data to my server without any problems. In addition, I also have access to all your messages, social media channels, emails, contacts and chat history. My trojan continues its signatures continuously (because it is controlled by the driver) so it is not detected by the antivirus software installed on your computer or device. So I hope you finally understand the reason why I have remained inconspicuous before this letter…. etc...
United States, 2022-08-22 13:22:18Sextortion mail
United States, 2022-08-22 13:54:57Älä unohda maksamatonta maksuasi. Maksa nyt velkasi loppuun.
United States, 2022-08-22 14:51:02asking to send 1350 euros or personal information etc will be released
United States, 2022-08-22 16:15:54Blackmail e-mailing spam.
United States, 2022-08-22 17:13:51