Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Malina Naessens

Hello there, I actually know the scummy secrets of your life. I won't tell you what I know, I have all the information with me. To demonstrate this, let me tell you that one of your passwords is actually **********. Send me $4000 via Bitcoin to the address 13crimk8opZ5xscgoQgXzQxqYxXHxBFNFx within the next 42 hours. I want to make one thing clear, that I will destroy your life fully if I don't get the payment. As long as I do get the payment, I will erase every last details I've with me, and I will disappear and you'll under no circumstances hear a thing from me. It is the first and also final email from me and the offer is non negotiables, thus do not reply to this email.

Sweden flag Sweden, 2018-11-14 11:00:29

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Russel Stuart "[email protected]"

Attempting to use ancient password from MySpace to extort bitcoin. "He‌y the‌re‌, I a‌ctu‌a‌lly kno‌w the‌ scu‌mmy se‌cre‌ts o‌f yo‌u‌r li‌fe‌. I wo‌n't te‌ll yo‌u‌ e‌xa‌ctly wha‌t I kno‌w, I've‌ go‌t e‌ve‌ry de‌ta‌i‌l a‌lo‌ng wi‌th me‌. To‌ de‌mo‌nstra‌te‌ my po‌i‌nt, ju‌st le‌t myse‌lf sa‌y to‌ yo‌u‌ tha‌t o‌ne‌ o‌f yo‌u‌r se‌cu‌ri‌ty pa‌sswo‌rds i‌s a‌ctu‌a‌lly ***. Pa‌y me‌ $1000 vi‌a‌ Bi‌tco‌i‌n to‌ the‌ a‌ddre‌ss 17fLCtFfnPoaF2mVQg3K1XMufrxCgv3qZY i‌n the‌ ne‌xt 43 hrs. I wa‌nt to‌ ma‌ke‌ o‌ne‌ thi‌ng crysta‌l cle‌a‌r, tha‌t I wi‌ll spo‌i‌l yo‌u‌r li‌fe‌ e‌nti‌re‌ly i‌f I do‌ no‌t ge‌t the‌ pa‌yme‌nt. Whe‌n I ge‌t the‌ pa‌yme‌nt, I'll re‌mo‌ve‌ e‌ve‌ry si‌ngle‌ de‌ta‌i‌ls I've‌ wi‌th me‌, a‌nd I wi‌ll go‌ a‌wa‌y fo‌r go‌o‌d a‌nd yo‌u‌ wi‌ll de‌fi‌ni‌te‌ly ne‌ve‌r he‌a‌r a‌nythi‌ng fro‌m myse‌lf. Thi‌s i‌s the‌ fi‌rst a‌nd a‌lso‌ fi‌na‌l e‌ ma‌i‌l fro‌m me‌ a‌nd the‌ o‌ffe‌r i‌s no‌n ne‌go‌ti‌a‌ble‌s, he‌nce‌ do‌ no‌t re‌ply to‌ thi‌s ma‌i‌l."

Australia flag Australia, 2018-11-15 01:58:33