Blackmail scam
Abuser: [email protected]
I recorded your webcam showing your filthy sexual doings and clip you viewed using my malware which was on the site you watched the xxx videos. You are actually looking stunning in the video. Your mail and Facebook contacts were afterward sent to me by the malware. I will send your recording to your contacts unless you send me $4000 via B I T C O I N S in the next 36 hours to the below address: B I T C O I N Address: 13zNv2bjnHzGaFmQHeve66Q5Srh9LfgZPC Make sure to Copy and Paste the address because it is case sensitive. Once money is sent, I will destroy your video and every other details I have about you. If I don't receive the money, I will email your video to every contact of yours. Just think concerning the awkwardness you experience. and as a consequence if you happen to be in a romantic relationship, exactly how it will eventually affect? Want proof? Reply "Yes", & I will send your recording to 9 of your mail contacts.
Germany, 2018-10-01 21:50:45