Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Mail

Same as the others. Claims to have access to sensitive data and demands $600.

2018-09-22 16:55:49

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: ransomware

skicka hotande mail för att få pengar !!!

2018-09-22 20:07:33


Abuser: Mail

Same as the others; Claims to have collected my porn surfing, even filmed me with webcam while surfing. Wants USD600 to not publish to my contacts listed me while watching porn...

2018-09-22 20:45:12


Abuser: abuser

Same as the other reports, asking for 600$. All written in Swedish. Notified to the police

2018-09-22 22:12:47


Abuser: International hacker group

Same as the others. They have sent a mail were they demand 600$ in bitcoins or they will publish webcam pictures of me when I watch porn.

2018-09-23 06:15:27


Abuser: "International hackergroup"

Wants usd 600 for not sending porno surf details to contacts and friends

2018-09-23 09:45:49


Abuser: International hackergroup

Spoofing mail, wants 600 US dollar to transfer to bitcoin account, otherwise they claim to expose all my activuity on the internet.

2018-09-23 10:58:44


Abuser: Unknown

Blackmail regarding information of non existing surfing at pornsite

2018-09-23 11:08:05


Abuser: International hacking group

Saim claim as others. Blackmailig of $600

2018-09-23 17:10:43


Abuser: from [] ESMTP id 3Hz8g2MngO4u93Hz8gJfka; 21 Sep 2018 11:44:27 +0200

Try to get $600 by blackmail

2018-09-23 19:50:05


Abuser: international hacking group

claiming they hacked my account and wants $700 in bitcoin or else they will send video of me to my friends. obviously fake. sent from multiples domains and ips.

2018-09-23 22:33:26


Abuser: Email scam

Trying to get money through email scams and ransom

2018-09-24 05:09:01


Abuser: Unnamed "international hacker group"

Blackmail claiming they got data and passwords via a porn-site "virus", poorly machine translated to Swedish and sent from Outlook.

2018-09-24 15:21:38


Abuser: Don't know

Same as everyone else: ... Transfer $700 to our Bitcoin wallet: I guarantee that after that, we'll erase all your "data" :D A timer will start once you read this message. You have 48 hours to pay the above-mentioned amount....

2018-09-25 21:13:02

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Unknown sender

Wants moneu for "dirty info" on the computer

Norway flag Norway, 2018-09-27 10:34:47