Blackmail scam
Abuser: My own emailadress
27 hours to make payment 1000 euro blackmail, otherwise they wil send porn mail to all my contacts.
Germany, 2018-10-01 00:08:2227 hours to make payment 1000 euro blackmail, otherwise they wil send porn mail to all my contacts.
Germany, 2018-10-01 00:08:2272 hours to pay, trojan
Germany, 2018-10-01 07:16:1572 hours to pay. Hacked. Pay € 1000 to prevent release of personal movie.
Germany, 2018-10-01 07:21:29By using my emailadress someone tries to blackmail me. The sender of the mail wants me to pay a 1000 euro in bitcoins. If I don't pay he threatens me to send porno (of me) by video. I don't use a camera or a microphone on my computer neather on my Ipad. He also threatens me when I make a declaration at the police office.
Germany, 2018-10-01 07:52:13Threatening to share a supposed masturbation video with people on my contactlist if not paid 1000 euro to this bitcoin address within 72 hours
Germany, 2018-10-01 09:02:55black mail
Germany, 2018-10-01 10:27:23This is the 2nd time I received such mail (Saying they have video's about me masturbating and if I don't send them 1000€ within 72 hours they'll spread it over social media/email contacts) and I'm laughing my ass off, mainly due to the fact that I haven't gotten a camera/webcam since I think 1999 orso :P
Germany, 2018-10-01 10:36:18E-mailabuse from my own mailaccount to pay Euro 1.000 within 72 hours, or film appears on social media? Sent in Dutch.
Germany, 2018-10-01 13:12:34Porn video ransom.
Netherlands, 2018-10-01 15:49:56Same blackmail letter. I don't even have a camera or mice.
Germany, 2018-10-01 16:01:43Ik hоu je аl een tijdje in de gаten оmdаt ik je gehасkt heb dооr middel vаn een trоjаn virus in een аdvertentie ор een роrnо website. Indien je hier niet bekend mee bent zаl ik dit even tоeliсhten. Als je dit wil vооrkоmen mааk je een bedrаg vаn 1000 eurо оver nааr mijn bitсоin аdres (Als je dat niet weet, zоek met Gооgle "Bitсоin kорen"). Zie ook de site bij de melding Particulier, Oplichting, 72 uur om te betalen
United States, 2018-10-02 07:19:44