Blackmail scam
Abuser: Beluah Chapman (Fake name,with a spoofed email) [email protected]
Extortion email scam "βitcoin équivalent based on the exchange raté during the funds transfer), so aftér I réceivé thé transfer, I will straight away rémové all those lecherous videos without hesitation. Thén wé can preténd liké it has never happenéd béfore. In addition, I assure that all thé harmful softwaré will be deactivatéd and removed from all dévicés of yours. Don't worry, I am a man of my word. It is really a good déal with a considérably low thé price, bearing in mind that I was monitoring your profile as wéll as traffic ovér an éxténded period. If you still unawaré about thé purchasé and transfer procéss of βitcoins - all you can do is find the nécessary information online. My βitcoin wallet is as follows: 14PNRE4SPAbRGYGLyTDMeNimx1xZ6wzK1w You aré left with 48 hours and thé countdown starts right after you opén this émail (2 days to be specific)."
United States, 2023-02-08 08:53:43