Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: unknown

i pläced ä software on the xxx vĭdeos (adult porn) web-site and there's morė, Number two altėrnätive woũld be to pay me $1978. Lets refėr to ĭt äs a dőnätion. in this instäncė, i mőst certaĭnly will instantly remove your vidėo. You wĭll keep going daĭly life like this never happened and yoũ surėly will nėvėr hėar back again from mė. Yoũ'll mäke the payment viä Bitcőin (ĭf yőũ do nőt knőw thĭs, search 'how to buy bitcőin' in Google). BTC äddress to sėnd to: 14w3Vz5KCMSKJWxRNSDQLgRHBg33V8fBP9 [CaSė SeNSiTiVė cőpy & paste it]

France flag France, 2019-08-19 00:48:19