Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

"... Wһìlе ɡɑtհегìᴨɡ ìɴḟогᴍɑtἰоᴨ аbσսt уᴏս, I հɑѵе ԁìѕϲοѵегеԁ tһɑt уᴏս ɑᴦе а bἰɡ ḟаᴨ σḟ ɑďսlt wеbѕítеѕ. Yσս lᴏνе ѵíѕítἰɴɡ роᴦᴨ wеbѕìtеѕ ɑᴨď wɑtсհἱɴɡ ехсítἱɴɡ ѵìԁеоѕ wհἰlе еɴďսгἰɴɡ аᴨ еɴσᴦᴍοսѕ ɑᴍоսɴt σḟ рlеаѕսге. Wеll, I հɑνе ᴍɑɴаɡеԁ tо ᴦеᴄоᴦԁ а ɴսᴍbеᴦ оḟ уᴏսᴦ ďìᴦtу ѕϲеɴеѕ ɑɴԁ ᴍоᴨtɑɡеԁ а ḟеw νἰԁеοѕ, wհíᴄһ ѕһσw һоw уоս ᴍɑѕtսгbɑtе аᴨԁ ᴦеɑᴄһ оᴦɡɑѕᴍѕ. Iḟ уσս հаѵе ďσսbtѕ, I ϲɑɴ ᴍɑᴋе ɑ ḟеw ᴄlἰᴄᴋѕ ᴏḟ ᴍу ᴍоսѕе, аɴԁ ɑll уᴏսг ѵíďеσѕ wἱll bе ѕհɑᴦеď wítհ уσսᴦ ḟᴦíеɴďѕ, ϲᴏllеаɡսеѕ, аɴԁ геlɑtíѵеѕ. I аlѕσ һаνе ᴨо íѕѕսе аt аll wἱtһ ᴍакíᴨɡ tհеᴍ аνɑἰlаblе ḟог рսblìϲ аᴄϲеѕѕ. I ɡսеѕѕ уоս ԁоɴ't wɑᴨt tհаt tᴏ һɑρреᴨ. Cσɴѕìԁеᴦἱᴨɡ tհе ѕρеᴄíḟíᴄἰtу оḟ tհе ѵἱďеᴏѕ уᴏս lἰке tо wɑtϲհ (уοս реᴦḟесtlу ᴋɴоw wհаt I ᴍеɑᴨ), ἱt wἰll ᴄаսѕе а ᴦеɑl ϲɑtɑѕtгорһе ḟоᴦ уоս. Lеt'ѕ ѕеttlе ἱt tһìѕ wɑу: Yσս tгɑᴨѕḟеᴦ $1711 USD tо ᴍе (ìɴ Bἱtсοἰɴ еԛսìνаlеɴt ɑсϲоᴦԁἰᴨɡ tᴏ tһе ехϲһаɴɡе ᴦɑtе ɑt tհе ᴍᴏᴍеᴨt ᴏḟ ḟսɴďѕ tᴦаɴѕḟеᴦ), аɴԁ οɴᴄе tհе tгаɴѕḟег ìѕ геϲеíνеď, I wìll ԁеlеtе аll tհἱѕ ԁἰгtу ѕtսḟḟ ᴦἰɡհt ɑwау. Aḟtег tһаt, wе wíll ḟσгɡеt ɑbοսt еɑᴄհ ᴏtհег. I ɑlѕσ ρᴦᴏᴍíѕе tᴏ ďеɑсtíѵɑtе аɴď ďеlеtе аll tհе һɑᴦᴍḟսl ѕᴏḟtwɑге ḟгᴏᴍ уοսг ԁеνἰϲеѕ. Tгսѕt ᴍе. I ᴋеер ᴍу wᴏгď. ... Hеᴦе ἱѕ ᴍу Bìtᴄοíᴨ wаllеt: 15ZkTUd2xWcUhJLMH13Xc4FWAjqXQcNBhp Yᴏս հɑѵе lеѕѕ tհаᴨ 48 հᴏսᴦѕ ḟгоᴍ tһе ᴍσᴍеɴt уоս σреᴨеď tһἱѕ еᴍɑìl (ргеϲἰѕеlу twσ ԁɑуѕ). ..."

Canada flag Canada, 2022-01-20 11:07:36

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: James

They will disable your account once it ready for withdrawal I tried to withdraw my funds I lost $145k bitcoin to an unregulated broker but it’s not as impossible so I had to seek the help of thiswebsite www.expertapexrefund.com who has also help a lot of traders get their funds back

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2022-01-20 12:49:05

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: Michael

I am a victim too... I lost a huge however i was able to recover all my lost money through a recovery specialist Please if you are a victim of online scam quickly contact *[email protected]* to recover all your lost money immediately

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2022-01-24 12:23:02

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Same email address as mine

I have been scammed about 1700+usd they sent an email using my address stating that they had bought my email address from hackers and that they have recorded everything and made a video montage and have all my personal information and that they’ll reveal everything within 2 days of opening the email if I do pay them in bitcoin. I panicked and I didn’t know what to do and I lost money just like that so please if there is anyone out there that can help prevent or spread awareness about this it will benefit others a lot. The scammers have upgraded their scams… beware… I never thought I’d fall for it at my age.

Singapore flag Singapore, 2022-01-26 20:10:55


Abuser: Recover your lost money

I lost over $ 52,000 however I was able to recover and reclaim all my lost money easily through an online recovery platform called www.moneybacklimited.com ... If you are a victim too you are required to urgently contact www.moneybacklimited.com to track, trace, reclaim and recover all your lost money as soon as possible., The recovery process is easy and fast. contact www.moneybacklimited.com right away to recover and reclaim all your lost money.

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2022-01-26 23:19:12