Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: porn abuse

He deceives by email by saying to spread your information and intimate photos and videos

Italy flag Italy, 2022-02-14 09:20:59


Abuser: Non dimentichi di pagare le tasse entro 2 giorni!

Dice di aver acquistato dagli hacker numerosi account di posta elettronica e di aver installato su tutti i miei dispositivi un Trojan che gli ha permesso di scaricare informazioni su di me e di avere accesso alle mie periferiche cosicchè ha potuto registrarmi in momenti privati. A meno del pagamento di un riscatto di €1350 minaccia di condividere tali video compromettenti, su di me, con parenti e amici e/o renderli pubblici online. Francamente non sento di aver nulla da temere, inoltre nella mail fa dei giri di parole ma non nomina mai alcuna informazione sensibile su di me, se davvero ne avesse le avrebbe usate per rendere più credibile la truffa. Nonostante ciò la segnalo perché mi rendo conto dei possibili danni che potrebbe causare a qualche sprovveduto.

2022-02-15 10:33:37


Abuser: Blackmailer

A part of the header: Received: from [] (unknown []) by smtp1.micso.it (Postfix) with ESMTP id 79989502692 Message-ID: <18D904B071C56DC504D96DAC18B018D9@GUQJ0U4 Subject: Non dimentichi di pagare le tasse entro 2 giorni! The IP-Adress points to Vietnam.

Switzerland flag Switzerland, 2022-02-15 13:05:24


Abuser: Recover your lost money

I lost over $ 57,000 however I was able to recover and reclaim all my lost money easily and free of charge through an online recovery platform www.moneybacklimited.com ... If you are a victim of online scam and you want to reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge you are required to urgently contact www.moneybacklimited.com to track, trace, reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge as soon as possible., The recovery process is easy and fast. visit www.moneybacklimited.com right away to recover and reclaim all your lost money free of charge.

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2022-02-15 13:48:31


Abuser: darknet mail

E' una truffa!!! non pagate!!! Salve, tutto bene? Lo so che non è piacevole iniziare un discorso con una cattiva notizia, ma non ho altra scelta. Qualche mese fa ho avuto accesso ai dispositivi che usa per navigare su Internet. Dopodiché sono riuscito a monitorare tutte le sue attività in rete. Ecco com’è andata esattamente: Per prima cosa ho acquistato dagli hacker l’accesso a numerosi account di posta elettronica (oggigiorno è una cosa davvero semplice da fare online). Come risultato, sono riuscito ad accedere facilmente al suo account e-mail(xxxx). A distanza di una settimana ho installato un Trojan virus nel sistema operativo di tutti i dispositivi che lei usa per aprile la posta elettronica. Francamente parlando, è stato abbastanza semplice (dato che apriva i link dalla sua posta in arrivo). Tutte le cose geniali sono abbastanza semplici. (^x^) Il mio software mi consente di accedere a tutte le periferiche dei suoi dispositivi, come il microfono, la tastiera e la videocamera. Sono riuscito a scaricare tranquillamente sui miei server tutte le sue informazioni private tra cui la cronologia di navigazione e le foto. Posso accedere facilmente ai suoi messaggi, agli account dei social network, alle e-mail, alla lista dei contatti e alla cronologia della chat. Il mio virus aggiorna continuamente le sue firme (perché è basato sul driver), e di conseguenza non viene riconosciuto dal suo antivirus.

Italy flag Italy, 2022-02-15 13:56:17


Abuser: Recover your lost money

I lost over $ 57,000 however I was able to recover and reclaim all my lost money easily and free of charge through an online recovery platform www.moneybacklimited.com ... If you are a victim of online scam and you want to reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge you are required to urgently contact www.moneybacklimited.com to track, trace, reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge as soon as possible., The recovery process is easy and fast. visit www.moneybacklimited.com right away to recover and reclaim all your lost money free of charge.

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2022-02-15 13:58:36


Abuser: Recover your lost money

I lost over $ 57,000 however I was able to recover and reclaim all my lost money easily and free of charge through an online recovery platform www.moneybacklimited.com ... If you are a victim of online scam and you want to reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge you are required to urgently contact www.moneybacklimited.com to track, trace, reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge as soon as possible., The recovery process is easy and fast. visit www.moneybacklimited.com right away to recover and reclaim all your lost money free of charge.

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2022-02-15 15:22:28


Abuser: email dalla mia email

mi chiede 1350€ in bitcoin.

Italy flag Italy, 2022-02-15 16:34:03

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: Fx_murphy

I was scammed of $379,000 worth of bitcoin with a scam forex investment unknowingly them, I didn’t know what to do.. I felt like committing suicide, but fortunately for me, my friend introduced me to a cyber crime investigator ( Mrs Ellen Vasquez)who also helps in recovering lost invested funds, After working with her, to my greatest surprise, in just few days I got all my lost funds back, He done it for free, I only gave him something to show appreciation out of the recovered funds, if you have been scammed with fake forex you don’t need to be scared or worried, because you can also reach her on her email: [email protected] He will recover your lost bitcoins back fast and smoothly... You can WhatsApp her via ‪+1 (772) 405‑3905‬. And you will be amazed….!!!

United States flag United States, 2022-02-15 18:10:58


Abuser: DUNNO

Completely fake sextorsion, very good italian tho. He asks 1350 euro, DON'T PAY.

Italy flag Italy, 2022-02-15 20:08:42


Abuser: non lo so

se non pago, entro 48 ore 1350 € in BTC, saranno trasmesse ai miei contatti le riprese della mia persona (ma non ho webcam installata) mentre guardo filmati porno (cosa che non ho mai guardato quindi è una tentata estorsione).

Italy flag Italy, 2022-02-15 21:29:02

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: Fx_murphy

I was scammed of $420,000 worth of bitcoin with a scam forex investment unknowingly, then I didn’t know what to do. I felt like I should commit a suicide but I fortunately had a good start again. A friend of mine introduced me to a cyber crime investigator that work for the government who helped to recovered my funds in just few days. If you feel scammed with fake forex, ease your worries. you can contact [email protected] and they will recover your funds . They have goverment approval. WhatsApp ‪+1 (772) 405‑3905

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2022-02-16 03:53:46


Abuser: Recover your lost money

I lost over $ 57,000 however I was able to recover and reclaim all my lost money easily and free of charge through an online recovery platform www.moneybacklimited.com ... If you are a victim of online scam and you want to reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge you are required to urgently contact www.moneybacklimited.com to track, trace, reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge as soon as possible., The recovery process is easy and fast. visit www.moneybacklimited.com right away to recover and reclaim all your lost money free of charge.

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2022-02-16 10:29:44

Blackmail scam

Abuser: 15eRz4h6RHhmgyxzurbCKB25DnR6oX5fT5

Che sia maledetto mi ha ricattato di pagare 1350 euro in bitcoin

Italy flag Italy, 2022-02-17 14:25:07


Abuser: Recover your lost money

I lost over $ 57,000 however I was able to recover and reclaim all my lost money easily and free of charge through an online recovery platform www.moneybacklimited.com ... If you are a victim of online scam and you want to reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge you are required to urgently contact www.moneybacklimited.com to track, trace, reclaim and recover all your lost money free of charge as soon as possible., The recovery process is easy and fast. visit www.moneybacklimited.com right away to recover and reclaim all your lost money free of charge.

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2022-02-17 16:26:37