Blackmail scam
Abuser: fisherman
Claims to have planted malware and is blackmailing
Canada, 2018-11-26 02:07:30Claims to have planted malware and is blackmailing
Canada, 2018-11-26 02:07:30There is NOTHING to worry about. I receive at least one of these a day and now view my mission to expose the perverts. These are old passwords hacked from legitimate sites Please also report on: FBI sites: Psychologists and psychiatrists have concluded that many of the scammers have erectile dysfunction, are impotent and cannot get it up unless they are near a sheep or goats. Bed wetting is a common trait, and in some cases, they enjoy wearing adult diapers. I think you will agree that it all makes good sense. My real concern is about the welfare of goats and sheep. This should be reported to the ASPCA.
Canada, 2018-11-26 15:14:46Hi, my prеy. I write you inasmuch as I put a trojan on the web site with porn which you have visited. My trоjаn сaрturеd аll yоur privatе dаta аnd switсhed оn your сamera whiсh rеcorded the асt of yоur sоlitаry sеx. Just аfter that thе trojаn saved your cоntaсt list. I will еrаse the соmрrоmising video rесords аnd informаtiоn if yоu sеnd me 1500 EURO in bitcoin. I givе yоu 30 hоurs aftеr yоu oрen my messagе fоr making the payment. As sоon as you rеad the messаgе I'll sеe it right away. It is not nеcessаry tо tеll me that you havе sent monеy tо mе. This аddrеss is connеcted tо you, my systеm will еrаsed аutomаtiсally after transfer cоnfirmatiоn. If you nеed 48h just Opеn the саlсulаtor оn yоur dеsktop аnd рress +++ If you don't pаy, I'll sеnd dirt to all yоur contaсts. Lеt me rеmind yоu-I see whаt you're doing! Yоu can visit thе рoliсe оffiсe but аnybody сan't helр yоu. If you try tо dесeive mе , I'll knоw it immediatеly!
United States, 2018-11-26 22:46:21