Abuser: Unknown
He knows the password and wants money in return.
Croatia, 2018-12-27 12:56:08He knows the password and wants money in return.
Croatia, 2018-12-27 12:56:08The only thing different about this one was the message was shorter. I can't wait for this fad to end which will only happen when Bitcoin does something about it.
United States, 2018-12-27 13:08:44Ransomware
Netherlands, 2018-12-27 13:20:43Hi, stranger! I know the xxx, this is your password, and I sent you this message from your account. If you have already changed your password, my malware will be intercepts it every time. You may not know me, and you are most likely wondering why you are receiving this email, right? In fact, I posted a malicious program on adults (pornography) of some websites, and you know that you visited these websites to enjoy (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, my trojan started working as a RDP (remote desktop) with a keylogger that gave me access to your screen as well as a webcam.
Germany, 2018-12-27 13:33:02Jackass claims they hacked me (wrong password too) and are demanding a ransom
United Kingdom, 2018-12-27 13:42:42Hi, stranger! I know the ****, this is your password, and I sent you this message from your account. If you have already changed your password, my malware will be intercepts it every time. You may not know me, and you are most likely wondering why you are receiving this email, right? In fact, I posted a malicious program on adults (pornography) of some websites, and you know that you visited these websites to enjoy (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, my trojan started working as a RDP (remote desktop) with a keylogger that gave me access to your screen as well as a webcam. Immediately after this, my program gathered all your contacts from messenger, social networks, and also by e-mail.
Japan, 2018-12-27 13:59:00Hi, stranger! I know the 84, this is your password, and I sent you this message from your account. If you have already changed your password, my malware will be intercepts it every time. You may not know me, and you are most likely wondering why you are receiving this email, right? In fact, I posted a malicious program on adults (pornography) of some websites, and you know that you visited these websites to enjoy (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, my trojan started working as a RDP (remote desktop) with a keylogger that gave me access to your screen as well as a webcam.
United States, 2018-12-27 14:21:38Well, I think $726 (USD dollars) is a fair price for our little secret. You will make a bitcoin payment (if you don't know, look for "how to buy bitcoins" on Google). BTC Address: 16LBDius3vg6ufFvnc7PGXfiTZgphuZgr5 (This is CASE sensitive, please copy and paste it) Remarks: You have 2 days (48 hours) to pay. (I have a special code, and at the moment I know that you have read this email).
Slovakia, 2018-12-27 14:27:17Another ransomware
United Kingdom, 2018-12-27 14:31:57Loser blackmailing with old password
Australia, 2018-12-27 14:33:16from [] (unknown [])
Sweden, 2018-12-27 14:51:12Blackmail email with a previously used password that was exposed in a breach years ago.
Germany, 2018-12-27 14:54:22C'est un attrape nigauds qui vous dit qu'il a pris le contrôle de votre ordinateur. Qu'il à l'historique de vos navigations sur des sites pornos et autres ainsi que des vidéos de vous dans de mauvaises postures... C'est évidemment du pipeau dans 99% des cas. Ne vous laissez pas impressionner et envoyez tous ces mails directement à la corbeille. Dans le cas de la variante de ransomware aux numéros de carte bleue. Faites semblant de le faire, rentrez un faux numéro de carte et ensuite mettez des commentaires dans les champs dans lesquels vous pouvez écrire du texte (nom prénom, etc.). N'hésitez pas mettre des commentaires du type (Suck my dick asshole) ou en français quelque chose comme "je te pisse à la raie", du bien gras et bien ordurier (ça défoule), c'est juste ce qu'il mérite cet enfoiré ! Et surtout cliquez des dizaines de fois sur le bouton send, a chaque pression il recevra vos commentaires avec le faux numéro de carte ; ) Ne vous laissez pas berner par ces nazes !
France, 2018-12-27 15:02:18Hi, stranger! I know the biteme1, this is your password, and I sent you this message from your account. If you have already changed your password, my malware will be intercepts it every time. You may not know me, and you are most likely wondering why you are receiving this email, right? In fact, I posted a malicious program on adults (pornography) of some websites, and you know that you visited these websites to enjoy (you know what I mean).
United States, 2018-12-27 15:23:39Another idiotic scammer. His bitcoin address should be superseded.
Canada, 2018-12-27 15:26:36