Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Hellø! I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system. I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt.I've been watch¡ng yøu før a few mønths nøw. The fact ¡s that yøu were ¡nfected w¡th malware thrøugh an adult s¡te that yøu v¡s¡ted.

Hong Kong flag Hong Kong, 2020-04-25 07:29:13

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Hellø! I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system. I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt.

India flag India, 2020-04-25 07:45:00


Abuser: [email protected]

Same as all other reports. Scammer claims to have a compromising video.

Belgium flag Belgium, 2020-04-25 07:47:47

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system. I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt. I've been watch¡ng yøu før a few mønths nøw. The fact ¡s that yøu were ¡nfected w¡th malware thrøugh an adult s¡te that yøu v¡s¡ted. If yøu are nøt fam¡l¡ar w¡th th¡s, ¡ w¡ll expla¡n. Trøjan V¡rus g¡ves me full access and cøntrøl øver a cømputer ør øther dev¡ce. Th¡s means that ¡ can see everyth¡ng øn yøur screen, turn øn the camera and m¡crøphøne, but yøu dø nøt knøw abøut ¡t. I alsø have access tø all yøur cøntacts and all yøur cørrespøndence. Why yøur ant¡v¡rus d¡d nøt detect malware? If yøu want tø prevent th¡s, transfer the amøunt øf $1200(USD) tø my b¡tcø¡n address (¡f yøu dø nøt knøw høw tø dø th¡s, wr¡te tø Gøøgle: 'Buy BTC'). My b¡tcø¡n address (BTC Wallet) ¡s: 16QLrb5Ej3VLCaxeivbJxAgfvWEXyqGAfc

France flag France, 2020-04-25 08:30:53


Abuser: 16QLrb5Ej3VLCaxeivbJxAgfvWEXyqGAfc

Crummy email - extortion.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-25 09:26:33


Abuser: [email protected]

I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system. I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt. Wants $1200 in BTC to avoid diffusing a video of me masturbating on a porn video. The truth is that I haven't let that messing with my dopamine level since long before owning this pc, which btw doesn't even have a webcam lol.

Italy flag Italy, 2020-04-25 09:31:56


Abuser:, sender used: "[email protected]"

... My b¡tcø¡n address (BTC Wallet) ¡s: 16QLrb5Ej3VLCaxeivbJxAgfvWEXyqGAfc After rece¡v¡ng the payment, ¡ w¡ll delete the v¡deø and yøu w¡ll never hear me aga¡n. I g¡ve yøu 48 høurs tø pay. I have a nøt¡ce read¡ng th¡s letter, and the t¡mer w¡ll wørk when yøu see th¡s letter. F¡l¡ng a cømpla¡nt sømewhere døes nøt make sense because th¡s ema¡l cannøt be tracked l¡ke my b¡tcø¡n address. I dø nøt make any m¡stakes.

Germany flag Germany, 2020-04-25 09:43:45

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Says they have a Trojan virus on your operating system and unless you pay them will send a video of you masturbating “all over the internet”

United States flag United States, 2020-04-25 11:29:07


Abuser: Unknown

H¡gh level of r¡sk. Your account has been hacked. Change yøur passwørd. From: nrahman <[email protected]> . Why this ID is running on bitcoin and why people are paying this fellow a BITCOIN amount .Take a strict action or block this account.

India flag India, 2020-04-25 11:57:14

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

And there are retards who actually wasted money to pay to this idiot for a fake mail? this is the peak of human evolution, unbelievable. LOL

Argentina flag Argentina, 2020-04-25 12:31:19

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system. I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt. I've been watch¡ng yøu før a few mønths nøw. The fact ¡s that yøu were ¡nfected w¡th malware thrøugh an adult s¡te that yøu v¡s¡ted.

Australia flag Australia, 2020-04-25 12:40:02

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system. I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt. I've been watch¡ng yøu før a few mønths nøw. The fact ¡s that yøu were ¡nfected w¡th malware thrøugh an adult s¡te that yøu v¡s¡ted.

Australia flag Australia, 2020-04-25 12:40:15

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system. I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt. I've been watch¡ng yøu før a few mønths nøw. The fact ¡s that yøu were ¡nfected w¡th malware thrøugh an adult s¡te that yøu v¡s¡ted.

Australia flag Australia, 2020-04-25 12:40:31


Abuser: [email protected]

Hellø! I am a hacker whø has access tø yøur øperat¡ng system. I alsø have full access tø yøur accøuňt. I've been watch¡ng yøu før a few mønths nøw. The fact ¡s that yøu were ¡nfected w¡th malware thrøugh an adult s¡te that yøu v¡s¡ted. If yøu are nøt fam¡l¡ar w¡th th¡s, ¡ w¡ll expla¡n. Trøjan V¡rus g¡ves me full access and cøntrøl øver a cømputer ør øther dev¡ce. Th¡s means that ¡ can see everyth¡ng øn yøur screen, turn øn the camera and m¡crøphøne, but yøu dø nøt knøw abøut ¡t. I alsø have access tø all yøur cøntacts and all yøur cørrespøndence. Why yøur ant¡v¡rus d¡d nøt detect malware? Answer: My malware uses the dr¡ver, ¡ update ¡ts s¡gnatures every 4 høurs sø that yøur ant¡v¡rus ¡s s¡lent.

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-25 13:11:40


Abuser: [email protected];

Pay bitcoin or recorded webcam video is released.

Italy flag Italy, 2020-04-25 13:16:33