Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

неделю спустя , я уже установил троянский вирус tre в операционных системах всех устройств, которые вы используете для доступа к своей электронной почте.Это было совсем не сложно, так как вы переходили по ссылкам из входящих писем. все гениальное просто . :) это программное обеспечение предоставляет мне доступ ко всем контроллерам ваших устройств ( например, к вашему микрофону , видеокамере и клавиатуре ) . Я загрузил всю вашу информацию, данные , фотографии , историю посещений веб-страниц на свои серверы, я предоставляю доступ ко всем вашим мессенджерам, социальные сети , ema , история чатов и контакты list.my вирус постоянно обновляется подписи ( они основаны на драйверах ) и, следовательно, остаются невидимыми для антивирусного программного обеспечения. точно так же , я думаю , по ноу, вы понимаете, почему оставались незамеченными до письма. собирая информацию о вас , я обнаружил, что вы большой поклонник взрослых веб-сайты вы любите посещать сайты born и смотреть захватывающие видео, получая при этом огромное удовольствие.что ж , мне удалось записать несколько ваших грязных сцены и смонтированные несколько видео , которые показывают, как вы мастурбируете и реагируете на оргазмы Если у вас есть сомнения, я могу сделать несколько щелчков мыши , и все ваши видео будут Поделитесь со своими друзьями , коллегами и родственниками . у меня также нет никаких проблем с тем , чтобы сделать их доступными для публичного доступа, я думаю, вы не хотите, чтобы это произошло, учитывая специфику видео, которые вам нравится смотреть, вы прекрасно понимаете, что я имею в виду ), это вызовет для вас настоящую катастрофу. давайте договоримся так: вы переводите мне биткойн в размере 1500 долларов США ( btc), и как только перевод будет получен, я сразу же удалю все эти дежурные вещи , после этого мы забудем друг о друге. я также обещаю деактивировать и удалить все вредоносное программное обеспечение с ваших устройств . поверь мне, я держу свое слово.

Russia flag Russia, 2021-08-04 10:03:27

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: [email protected]

Devices access and tracking Internet activities for months.

Switzerland flag Switzerland, 2021-08-04 11:49:07


Abuser: Email Scam [email protected]

They say that they entered your devices and they have information that they will make public. Typical sexortion maneuver, they say they have dirty images of the user and will make them public unless they pay 1500 USD in Bitcoins.

Argentina flag Argentina, 2021-08-04 13:56:50


Abuser: [email protected]

Sends an email for sextortion, which is written exactly as seen here: https://malwaretips.com/blogs/remove-i-have-to-share-bad-news-with-you/ Aside from the difference in bitcoin they want ($1500 USD), the respective wallet hasn't been used, with no transactions.

Chile flag Chile, 2021-08-04 15:56:50

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Extract of email address: [...] while gąturering information about you , i have discovered that you are a big fan of adult websites you love visiting born websites and watching exciting videos while enduring an enormous amount of pleasure.well , i have managed to record a numser of your dirty scenes and montaged a few videos , wrich show how you masturbate and reac orgasms If you have doubts, i can make a few clicks of my mouse , and all your videos will be Shared with your friends , colleagues , and relatives . i also have no issue at all mith making them available for public access , i guess you don't want that to Krabben considering tre specificity of tre videas you like to watch you perfectly know what i mean ), it will cause a real catastropire for you. let's settle it this way you transfer $1500 USD Bitcoin ( btc ) to me, and once the transfer is received, i will delete all this duty stuff right away after that , we will forget about each other. i also promise to deactivate and delete all tre harmful software from your devices . trust me i keep my word. [...] here is my bitcoin wallet : 17b498dho9MRgFsA1PbX8dR3z7axXCCuxw [...]

Spain flag Spain, 2021-08-04 19:09:39


Abuser: [email protected] via sendgrid.info IP:

greetings ! Have to share bad news with you , approximately a few months ago , gained access to your devices , WHICH you use for internet browsing , after that , I have started tracking your internet activities Here is the sequence of events :

Slovenia flag Slovenia, 2021-08-04 22:24:36


Abuser: [email protected]

About that I have seen certain types of web pages and because of my camera they have everything recorded (related to sex).

Chile flag Chile, 2021-08-05 00:19:42


Abuser: WeBull

Good day everyone reading . If you are seeking  means to recover cryptocurrency , tokens, coins and funds lost to any form of online scams in binary options, forex crypto-trading and investment , do yourself a favor and contact Coinwalletrecoup . Com. This recoup company literally saved my life when they helped me recover tokens of over $233,000 from online rippers impersonating group admins on WeBull and Tradestation, my 12 phrase got compromised .They had my blockchain wallet ransacked it and I was left with nothing. I almost lost all hope till I read a review online about this company Coinwalletrecoup . Com  that saved my life by helping me recover my stolen funds. I provided details of the incidence and necessary information to complete recovery program and  under a week my coins and tokens  were recovered by them. All thanks to  COINWALLETRECOUP . COM . You Are the Best!!

Italy flag Italy, 2021-08-05 01:09:14

Blackmail scam

Abuser: URGENT! via sendgrid.info

Have to share bad news with you approximately a few months ago gained access to your devices WHICH you use for internet browsing after that I have started tracking your internet activities Here is the sequence of events some time ago purchased access to email accounts from Hackers nowadays it is quite simple to buy it online. i have easily managed to login to your email account this software provides me with access to all your devices controllers eg. your microphone video camera and keyboard. I have downloaded all your information data photos web browsing history to my servers i wave access to all your messengers social networks emas chat history and contacts list.my virus continuously refreshes the signatures it is driver based and hence remains invisible for antivirus software. while gąturering information about you i have discovered that you are a big fan of adult websites you love visiting born websites and watching exciting videos while enduring an enormous amount of pleasure.well i have managed to record a numser of your dirty scenes and montaged a few videos wrich show how you masturbate and reac orgasms If you have doubts i can make a few clicks of my mouse and all your videos will be Shared with your friends colleagues and relatives. i also have no issue at all mith making them available for public access i guess you dont want that to Krabben considering tre specificity of tre videas you like to watch you perfectly know what i mean it will cause a real catastropire for you. lets settle it this way you transfer $1500 USD Bitcoin btc to me and once the transfer is received i will delete all this duty stuff right away after that we will forget about each other. i also promise to deactivate and delete all tre harmful software from your devices. trust me i keep my word. here is my bitcoin wallet 17b498dho9MRgFsA1PbX8dR3z7axXCCuxw you have less than 5 days from the moment you opened this email.

United States flag United States, 2021-08-05 03:17:27

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

greetings ! Have to share bad news with you , approximately a few months ago , gained access to your devices , WHICH you use for internet browsing , after that , I have started tracking your internet activities Here is the sequence of events :

Canada flag Canada, 2021-08-05 16:28:30


Abuser: Email

Email that claims a hacker has connection to my pc and supposedly had me under surveillance and has captured me doing something dirty :))

Lithuania flag Lithuania, 2021-08-05 22:30:54


Abuser: Sale of private data

Selling private data for bitcoins

France flag France, 2021-08-06 11:11:39

Blackmail scam

Abuser: 127

they say that they have dirty images of you and BLABLABLABLA and will make them public unless they pay 1500 USD in Bitcoins....don`t pay THEY LIYING

Algeria flag Algeria, 2021-08-07 00:11:28


Abuser: Bitcoin scam

Probably one of the worst scam attempts I’ve ever seen, written in completely broken English claiming he has “dirty” images and videos of you enjoy one pornography, as ridiculous as that is don’t give him the time of the day and flag the email, the only way he found your email is (likely) if you have bought a ledger device since they had a data breach. Stay safe out there folks.

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2021-08-08 00:23:21


Abuser: Unsure - claims to be a Trojan.

Received two of them. Pretty typical - one was "icloud" and one was "payment required".

Canada flag Canada, 2021-08-08 01:41:11