Abuser: RAT (remote Administration Tool)
Scam demanding money
United States, 2019-04-23 15:50:12Scam demanding money
United States, 2019-04-23 15:50:12said they loaded account with ransomware and demanded payment to bitcoin.
United States, 2019-04-23 15:58:51The usual sextortion mail.
Netherlands, 2019-04-23 16:02:30As you may have noticed, I sent this email from your email account (if you didn't see, check the from Sender email ID.) In other words, I have full access to your email account. I infected you with a malware (RAT) / (Remote Administration Tool), a few months back when you visited an adult site, and since then, I have been observing your actions. The malware gave me full access and control over your system, meaning, I can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera or microphone and you won't even notice about it. I have also access to all your contacts. I made a video showing both you (through your webcam) and the video you were watching (on the screen) while statisfying yourself. I can send this video to all your contacts (email, social network)! Etc.
United States, 2019-04-23 16:16:08I infected you with a malware (RAT) / (Remote Administration Tool), a few months back when you visited an adult site, and since then, I have been observing your actions. The malware gave me full access and control over your system, meaning, I can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera or microphone and you won't even notice about it. I have also access to all your contacts. I made a video showing both you (through your webcam) and the video you were watching (on the screen) while statisfying yourself. I can send this video to all your contacts (email, social network)! You can prevent me from doing this. To stop me, transfer exactly 900$ with the current (BTC) BITCOIN price, to my bitcoin address. I think it's a very good price compared to the damage, hell and suffering, it will bring into your life!
United States, 2019-04-23 16:20:49Hello, As you may have noticed, I sent this email from your email account (if you didn't see, check the from Sender email ID.) In other words, I have full access to your email account. I infected you with a malware (RAT) / (Remote Administration Tool), a few months back when you visited an adult site, and since then, I have been observing your actions. The malware gave me full access and control over your system, meaning, I can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera or microphone and you won't even notice about it.
Canada, 2019-04-23 16:29:36As you may have noticed, I sent this email from your email account (if you didn't see, check the from Sender email ID.) In other words, I have full access to your email account. I infected you with a malware (RAT) / (Remote Administration Tool), a few months back when you visited an adult site, and since then, I have been observing your actions. The malware gave me full access and control over your system, meaning, I can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera or microphone and you won't even notice about it. I have also access to all your contacts. I made a video showing both you (through your webcam) and the video you were watching (on the screen) while statisfying yourself. I can send this video to all your contacts (email, social network)!
Germany, 2019-04-23 16:53:12Trying to scam money.
United Kingdom, 2019-04-23 16:53:49Claims to have hacked email account
Germany, 2019-04-23 16:56:16190423 - 17jHsGecV53ro2LGzo53s5trTH6Qf3gksS - her message was to an address that hasn't been used in at least 10 years, and, just like the last 500 times, she doesn't have access to my computer, i don't look at porn on the web, i don't even have a webcam, but some poor schmuck has bought into her scam. we MUST put a stop to this! she is an adolescent wannabe loser. ????
Canada, 2019-04-23 16:58:27190423 - 17jHsGecV53ro2LGzo53s5trTH6Qf3gksS x2 - her message was to an address that hasn't been used in at least 10 years, and, just like the last 500 times, she doesn't have access to my computer, i don't look at porn on the web, i don't even have a webcam, but some poor schmuck has bought into her scam. we MUST put a stop to this! she is an adolescent wannabe loser. ????
Canada, 2019-04-23 16:59:51190423 - 17jHsGecV53ro2LGzo53s5trTH6Qf3gksS x3 - her message was to an address that hasn't been used in at least 10 years, and, just like the last 500 times, she doesn't have access to my computer, i don't look at porn on the web, i don't even have a webcam, but some poor schmuck has bought into her scam. we MUST put a stop to this! she is an adolescent wannabe loser. ????
Canada, 2019-04-23 17:00:48Basically, I am asked to send money ($900) saying they have a video of me satisfying my self watching an adult movie.
Cyprus, 2019-04-23 17:07:34In other words, I have full access to your email account. I infected you with a malware (RAT) / (Remote Administration Tool), a few months back when you visited an adult site, and since then, I have been observing your actions. The malware gave me full access and control over your system, meaning, I can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera or microphone and you won't even notice about it. I have also access to all your contacts. I made a video showing both you (through your webcam) and the video you were watching (on the screen) while statisfying yourself. I can send this video to all your contacts (email, social network)! You can prevent me from doing this. To stop me, transfer exactly 900$ with the current (BTC) BITCOIN price, to my bitcoin address. I think it's a very good price compared to the damage, hell and suffering, it will bring into your life!
United States, 2019-04-23 17:16:50Wants "exactly" $900 in Bitcoin.
United States, 2019-04-23 17:21:27