Abuser: Hackszed ([email protected])
Hey, I am sure you are wondering precisely why you got this e-mail with one of your online passwords in the topic. I hold this particular password and also all your other online-passwords because one of the xxx sites you visit was injected with one of my trojans and it contaminated your system. I have been keeping track of you for a very long time now. I furthermore downloaded all your files, information, contacts and accounts. Now and again i also initiated your web cam while you paid a visit to adult internet websites. First off you are able to dismiss this mail, when you choose to do this i will dispatch all the videos and snapshots i posses of you to all your contacts, family members, close friends and co-workers and then your device will be locked. Picture what affect that is going to have on your personal life! Imagine the disgrace! I don't believe you want this so stay with me. My bitcoin wallet is: 182MrRU7LhQivEYrDkAFGh9NY71D3na3yS (copy/paste this due ) continues....
Pakistan, 2018-11-28 02:32:41