Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Constantin Fearn

I need ????o????r tota???? atte????ti???????? fo???? th???? ????om????????g Twe????ty-four hours, or ???? ????a???? make sur???? ????ou that you li???????? ou???? ???????? ????hame for the rest of y????ur ????ife span. ????ello, you do no???? know me person????????ly. ????o????????ver ???? know all the thing???? ????bout y????u. Yo???????? entire f????????????book contact list, p????one con????act???? ????s w????ll as a????l the digi????al a????????ivity in your com????ut????r from past 1????9 days. ????????????l????din????, y????ur s????l???? pl????????sure ????ideo ????oo????age, whi????h brings m???? to ????????e p????imary reason ????hy ???? ????m wr????????????????g this pa????????icular ????-mai???? to ????ou. ????ell the ????????e????ious t????me yo???? v????s????ted the adult por???? onli????e ????????????es, m???? sp????ware e????de???? up b????in???? acti????a????ed in????id???? ????????ur pc which en????ed up d????cume????ting a ey????-????atching vi????e???? of y????ur sel???? p????ea????ure a???????? sim????ly by ac??ivati????g your w????bc????????. (you g????t a really ????tr????ng???? tas????e ????tw lmfao) I have the entire r????cording. If ????????r????aps you think I am playing around, si????ply reply ????r???????????? an???? I will be forwarding the recording ra????????omly ????o ???? pe????ple ????ou recogn????????????. It m????????h???? b???? y????ur fr????e????d, co worker????, bos????, mother and ????ath????r (I don't kno????! ????y so????twa????e wi???????? rand????mly pi????k the contac????s). Will yo???? b???? ????b???????? to gaz???? i????to anyone's ey????s again ????ft????r it? I ????oubt i????... Howeve????, it doesn't n????ed ????o b???? tha???? p????th. I want to ma????e yo???? a 1 time, n???? ????????????ot????????ble off????r. ????????y $ ????????00 in B????C a????d se????d it to the down b????low add????????ss: (If y????u d????????'t ????now how, l????o????up how ????o purch????s???? BTC. ????o ????o???? waste my important t????me) I???? y????u ????end out this 'don????????ion' (let us ????all th????s that?). Aft????r t????a????, I w????l???? d????s????ppear fo???? ????o????d . and ????nder ???????? cir????u????sta????ces g????t ????n touch ????ith you ag????in. ???? will elim????nate eve????ythi???????? I've got ???????? relatio???? ????o y????u. You m????y ????e????p ????n living you???? curr????n???? ordin????ry d???????? to day life w????th no s????re????s. Y???????? have ????ot 1 da???? ????n order ????o d???? so. ????our time b????g????ns as quick????y y????u read throug???? t????is e ????ail. I ????av???? got ???????? speci????l program code that ????ill not????fy me once you go ????hr????u????h this e

United States flag United States, 2020-05-05 19:55:57


Abuser: Micheal Wayland

Claiming to have my passwords and a blackmail webcam. Address may appear as "1845KdeVBrDJMjnEWE339dE**SKYsgmMbVxn".

United States flag United States, 2020-05-05 20:52:09