Blackmail scam
Abuser: unknown
Sends spam mail in Italian language. Claims to have compromising videos of recipient. Threatens to send this to third. Fake. Don't send money!
Germany, 2019-03-31 02:11:23Sends spam mail in Italian language. Claims to have compromising videos of recipient. Threatens to send this to third. Fake. Don't send money!
Germany, 2019-03-31 02:11:23530 EURO sono un prеzzo equo pеr il nоstro piссоlо sеgreto. Dеve pаgare cоn Bit coin (se nоn sа соmе fаrlо , pеr fаvore insеrisca su Gоogle "сomе acquistarе Bit cоin"). Il mio indirizzо Bit cоin per il pаgamentо è: 18FJYn5tvggLhK945GfRiHM8PPcU4uDKpq
Italy, 2019-04-08 12:51:07530 euro.................per il nostro piccolo segreto ecc......
Italy, 2019-04-19 20:34:45