Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: (unknown []) GMT -3 hours

Bla-bla-bla in german. Just new Bitcoin vallet, same old scam.

Denmark flag Denmark, 2019-01-12 12:42:16

Blackmail scam

Abuser: unknown

Some (not so bad written) porn blackmail/scam email.

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2019-01-12 13:40:47

Blackmail scam

Abuser: 18Pt4B7Rz7Wf491FGQHPsfDeKRqnkyrMo6

What an idiot...

Germany flag Germany, 2019-01-12 14:31:17

Blackmail scam

Abuser: some cunt

tries to blackmail with some porn scam shit

Germany flag Germany, 2019-01-12 14:55:43

Blackmail scam

Abuser: 18Pt4B7Rz7Wf491FGQHPsfDeKRqnkyrMo6

Same as all of the apparent receivers of this guys email spam (blakmail spam), he threaten to release my private files on my computer if I don't pay him 300 euro within 50 hours.

Austria flag Austria, 2019-01-12 15:10:24

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Nachricht vom Sicherheitsdienst. Der Zugang zu Ihrem Konto erfolgt uber Dritte.

Badly auto-translated german. Scammer requests bitcoin worth of about 350 Euro in the next 50 hours. Threatens to release incriminating video. Received: from b3698c8b.virtua.com.br (unknown [])

Taiwan flag Taiwan, 2019-01-12 16:24:32


Abuser: Random

Its an email that states that a hacker has hacked my accouts and my OS, blablablbalabla I should give him 364 € to get my files back that he had uploaded to an remote server. Yeah wright LOL. He sent the mail from my own e-mail adress to me so i have no clue who or what he is. I am from Austria so sorry my english is not so amazing. thanks

Austria flag Austria, 2019-01-12 17:56:22


Abuser: 18Pt4B7Rz7Wf491FGQHPsfDeKRqnkyrMo6

Google Translate Text .. like "Give me Bitcoins or..." Please delete this wallet or bring this idiot to jail.

Austria flag Austria, 2019-01-12 18:23:58


Abuser: ransomware

Dumbag gives me 50h to pay :-)

Russia flag Russia, 2019-01-12 18:56:40


Abuser: My email address

Bonjour, Je viens de recevoir ce mail directement depuis mon adresse email privée. Une demande de rançon pour supprimer des vidéos etc concernant des sites pour adultes. Merci de faire le nécessaire afin que cela ne se reproduise plus.

Switzerland flag Switzerland, 2019-01-12 19:07:37

Blackmail scam

Abuser: not the smartest potatohead

Received an email in German, stating my computer was hacked. They demanded money in order to fix the issue, and wanted me to send it to this Number. Poor grammar, poor use of vocab and register. Very disappointing. Over all, solid effort, bad execution. 1/10 wouldn't recommend. If you need some grammar lessons though, you got my email bruh.

Germany flag Germany, 2019-01-12 19:08:15

Blackmail scam

Abuser: 18Pt4B7Rz7Wf491FGQHPsfDeKRqnkyrMo6

EVERYONE PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANY "ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE" LIKE SPYHUNT ETC IT's PART OF THE SCAM. Received the Mail about three hours ago, one of the more poorly executed scams out there. Don't klick on anything, don't download any "antivirus software". There is no virus, all they want is money.

Germany flag Germany, 2019-01-12 19:15:36


Abuser: idk

Received an email in German, stating my computer was hacked. They demanded money in order to fix the issue, and wanted me to send it to this Number. Poor grammar, poor use of vocab and register. Very disappointing. Over all, solid effort, bad execution. 1/10 wouldn't recommend. If you need some grammar lessons though, you got my email bruh.

Germany flag Germany, 2019-01-12 20:43:30


Abuser: BTC-Geldbörse: 18Pt4B7Rz7Wf491FGQHPsfDeKRqnkyrMo6

I also recieved a Email, same content in German. I went to the police, it might not help, as it seems, that the author is foreign. I supose it ist only spam, some people will probably pay, so I hope the crook gets caught and fined, were ever he lives.

Germany flag Germany, 2019-01-12 23:24:03

Blackmail scam

Abuser: spoofed email -> same email as mine

Mail Content: 28.06.2018 - an diesem Tag habe ich Ihr Betriebssystem gehackt und vollen Zugriff auf ... Danach habe ich alle Daten auf Ihrer Festplatte gespeichert (ich habe Ihr gesamtes Adressbuch, den Verlauf der angezeigten Websites, alle Dateien, Telefonnummern und Adressen aller Ihrer Kontakte). Ich wollte dein Gerät sperren. Und benötigen Sie eine kleine Menge Geld für das Entsperren. ... Ich habe einen Screenshot der intimen Website gemacht, auf der Sie Spaß haben (Sie wissen, worum es geht, oder?). Danach nahm ich Ihre Freuden ab (mit der Kamera Ihres Geräts). Es stellte sich wunderbar heraus, zögern Sie nicht. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass Sie diese Bilder Ihren Verwandten, Freunden oder Kollegen nicht zeigen möchten. Ich denke, 328€ sind ein sehr kleiner Betrag für mein Schweigen. ... Ich akzeptiere nur Bitcoins. Meine BTC-Geldbörse: 18Pt4B7Rz7Wf491FGQHPsfDeKRqnkyrMo6

Austria flag Austria, 2019-01-12 23:51:20