Blackmail scam
Abuser: [email protected] - Drusilla Munson
k????ow, scammerzsux, is your ????as???? word. ???? ????equire yo???????? ful???? a????tention f????r the t????e n????x???? 2???? h????urs, or ???? w????ll mak???? sur???? y????u tha???? yo???? li????e out o???? e????bar????a????sment for th???? ????est of your exis????e????????e. ????????, yo???? ????o not kno???? m???? personal????????. But ???? k????ow p????etty much eve????????????hing regar????in???? you. Your enti???????? ????ace????????ok conta????t list, ph????????e ????ontac????s as well ????s al???? t????e ????nlin???? ac????ivity i???? your co????puter f???????????? past 11???? day????. ????????ic???? i????cludes, your m????sturbation video ????lips, w????ic???? brings me to the primary reas????n why I 'm c????afting this e-mail ????o ????ou. We????l ????he las???? ????????me yo???? ????isi????ed th???? se????ual????y graphi???? w????bs????tes, my spy????are ????as activate???? ????n y????????r ????omputer sy????t????m ????hich ende???? ????p ????????cumentin???? a ????????au????i????ul ????ideo c????ip ???????? you???? s????lf ple????????u????e ac???? by ????rigge????ing your webcam. (you got ???? unquest????on????????????y stra????ge pre????????rence btw lo????) I have got the w????ole ????ecord????ng. If p????r????aps you think I 'm ????essing around, just r????pl???? proof ????????d ???? ????????ll be fo????ward????ng ????????e r????????ording randomly t???? 4 ????eople ????ou r????????????????????ize. ????t ????ay end up be????ng your frie????d????, co worke????s, boss, parents (I don't know! My software w????ll rando????????y select the contact ????etails). Would you be ????ap????b????e to ????o???????? i????????o anyone's ????yes again after it? I ????oubt that... How????ve????, it ????o????sn't need t???? ????e that way. I'???? goin???? to mak???? ????ou a ???? time, no n????gotiab???????? o????fer. Purc????ase $ 300???? in ????TC and se????d it o???? the dow???? below address: **18Vzh1W951tdDQb**YJ42zLGufmtkHzUL2C8
United States, 2020-05-05 20:31:49