Blackmail scam
Abuser: Elberta Rubinchik
Vėry first option is to ignore this ė māil. in this instāncė, i mőst certainly wĩll sėnd out your actũal video clip tő evėry one of your contacts and thėn imāgĩne rėgarding the humiliatĩon you will dėfinitely gėt. or should yoũ be in a romance, how ĩt will cėrtainly affect? Latter option ĩs to pay me $1979. We will think of ĩt as a donatiőn. as a result, ĩ wĩll immediately discard yőur video recőrdĩng. You will continue on your dāily routĩne like this nėver happened and you never will hear back agaĩn from me. You wĩll mākė the pāyment through Bĩtcoĩn (if yőu do nőt know this, search főr 'how to buy bitcoin' ĩn Googlė). BTC addrėss to send to: 18ZK8JknmMtHdw3GwXAo1ubFsCtiG44txN
United States, 2019-10-05 00:14:17