Abuse to Bitcoin address

Investment scam

Abuser: Fxconnect

My sister in Canada was contacted by the below mentioned person and also was able to withdraw money. Hence I was referred by her to do trade with him. Mark Taylor – Instagram : fx_with_mark_taylor Tel: +19142360267 Websites : https://www.fxconnect.io/ https://www.fxvirtualwallet.com/login.php https://www.msgc-global.com I began trading on 13th June, and was told on 16th June to open a new account with another email address . The total invest The money grew and first was told to download an app called “blockchain” where US$ 25 is still sitting but when I wanted to transfer higher “image attached” . I kept getting fees charged 1. Indian passport holder Tax 2. IMF – Dubai Tax 3. Dubai Name Change Tax 4. Courier also wanted to be paid by bitcoin and this is when I stopped paying. I invested US$58,000 and my returns was suppose to be US$222,479 (screen shot attached) Two transactions was made (supposedly by Mark) pictures have attached where he said to assist he will be paying. I have been now blocked on whats app and instagram and cannot view the accounts although though he is still online. I have several fake IG accounts he is operating under with conversations I can send if you require it.

Hungary flag Hungary, 2020-08-28 15:07:21