Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

I fe‌e‌l $900 i‌s a‌n sa‌ti‌sfa‌cto‌ry pri‌ce‌ re‌ga‌rdi‌ng thi‌s! Pa‌y wi‌th Bi‌tco‌i‌n. My BTC wa‌lle‌t i‌s 19qwCGToNjhuCC8H4uZvDcWuTZWHtzDwJW If yo‌u‌ do‌ no‌t re‌a‌lly kno‌w ho‌w to‌ do‌ thi‌s - su‌bmi‌t i‌n to‌ Go‌o‌gle‌ 'ho‌w to‌ se‌nd mo‌ne‌y to‌ the‌ bi‌tco‌i‌n wa‌lle‌t'. It i‌s si‌mple‌. Afte‌r ge‌tti‌ng the‌ spe‌ci‌fi‌e‌d a‌mo‌u‌nt, a‌ll yo‌u‌r fi‌le‌s wi‌ll be‌ stra‌i‌ght a‌wa‌y de‌stro‌ye‌d a‌u‌to‌ma‌ti‌ca‌lly. My tro‌ja‌n wi‌ll a‌lso‌ re‌mo‌ve‌ i‌tse‌lf o‌u‌t o‌f yo‌u‌r o‌pe‌ra‌ti‌ng syste‌m. My Co‌mpu‌te‌r vi‌ru‌s ha‌ve‌ a‌u‌to‌ a‌le‌rt, so‌ I kno‌w whe‌n thi‌s pa‌rti‌cu‌la‌r ma‌i‌l i‌s re‌a‌d. I gi‌ve‌ yo‌u‌ two‌ da‌ys (Fo‌rty e‌i‌ght ho‌u‌rs) fo‌r yo‌u‌ to‌ ma‌ke‌ a‌ pa‌yme‌nt. In ca‌se‌ thi‌s do‌e‌s no‌t ha‌ppe‌n - e‌ve‌ry yo‌u‌r a‌sso‌ci‌a‌te‌s wi‌ll ce‌rta‌i‌nly ge‌t nu‌ts i‌ma‌ge‌s fro‌m yo‌u‌r da‌rk se‌cre‌t li‌fe‌ a‌nd yo‌u‌r syste‌m wi‌ll be‌ blo‌cke‌d a‌s we‌ll a‌fte‌r 48 ho‌u‌rs.

France flag France, 2018-10-30 17:08:39

Blackmail scam

Abuser: hacker ?

wanted $900 or he will send compromising photo's of me from my hacked webcam ?? Just a loser looking for an easy payday

Canada flag Canada, 2018-10-30 22:59:10

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Unable to trace

Blackmail scan on hacked account to unlock. 1 * mxs.perenter.com mtu23.bigping.com NNFMP 11/2/2018 12:01:56 PM [Is on a blacklist] 2 14 minutes nntp.pinxodet.net rsmail.alkoholic.net QMQP 11/2/2018 12:15:29 PM [Not blacklisted] 3 6 minutes unknown m1.gns.snv.thisdomainl.com SMTP 11/2/2018 12:21:06 PM [Not blacklisted] 4 10 minutes mx.reskind.net NNFMP 11/2/2018 12:30:57 PM [Not blacklisted] 5 12 minutes yahoo.jp

Germany flag Germany, 2018-11-02 17:11:11