Abuser: [email protected], most likely spoofed
It see???????? that, #####, is your password. I r????qu???????????? ????o????r 10????% at????entio???? fo???? the co????????ng Twen????y-fo????r ????our????, or I m???????? ????ake sur???? yo???? t????a???? you live out ????f embarras????ment f????r th???? rest ????f ????ou???? e????isten????????. H????y, you don'???? k????o???? me personal????y. How????????e???? I know near????y a????yt????ing conc????????ning y????u. Y????u???? fb ????ontact list, sma????tphone contacts an???? all the v????r????u???????? activ????????y in your ????omput????r from previous 117 d????ys. And ????his ????ncl????des, y????u???? ????e???????? p????easure video cli????s, which ????rings me to th???? ????ri????ar???? m????tive wh???? I 'm writing thi???? email ????o you. W????l???? t????e p????????vio???????? time you w????????t to ????e???? t????e por???? ????eb sites, ????y spywa????e was activat????d i???? y????ur p???? ????????i????h ????nded up reco????????????ng a eye-catchin???? video cli???? ???????? your s????lf ple????sure a????t b???? triggeri????g your cam. (you got ???? exc????ptional????y ????e????????d preferen???????? ????y t????e ????ay lmfao) I have ????he w????ol???? recording. I???? perha????s you th????nk I am f????????l????ng a????ound, just ????eply proof ????nd I wil???? be f????rwardi????g the ????ecordin???? r????ndoml???? ????o 11 pe????pl???? ????o???? know.
United States, 2020-05-05 19:08:51