Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: [email protected], most likely spoofed

It see???????? that, #####, is your password. I r????qu???????????? ????o????r 10????% at????entio???? fo???? the co????????ng Twen????y-fo????r ????our????, or I m???????? ????ake sur???? yo???? t????a???? you live out ????f embarras????ment f????r th???? rest ????f ????ou???? e????isten????????. H????y, you don'???? k????o???? me personal????y. How????????e???? I know near????y a????yt????ing conc????????ning y????u. Y????u???? fb ????ontact list, sma????tphone contacts an???? all the v????r????u???????? activ????????y in your ????omput????r from previous 117 d????ys. And ????his ????ncl????des, y????u???? ????e???????? p????easure video cli????s, which ????rings me to th???? ????ri????ar???? m????tive wh???? I 'm writing thi???? email ????o you. W????l???? t????e p????????vio???????? time you w????????t to ????e???? t????e por???? ????eb sites, ????y spywa????e was activat????d i???? y????ur p???? ????????i????h ????nded up reco????????????ng a eye-catchin???? video cli???? ???????? your s????lf ple????sure a????t b???? triggeri????g your cam. (you got ???? exc????ptional????y ????e????????d preferen???????? ????y t????e ????ay lmfao) I have ????he w????ol???? recording. I???? perha????s you th????nk I am f????????l????ng a????ound, just ????eply proof ????nd I wil???? be f????rwardi????g the ????ecordin???? r????ndoml???? ????o 11 pe????pl???? ????o???? know.

United States flag United States, 2020-05-05 19:08:51


Abuser: Selia Cronan

I d???? k????ow, , is your pass word. ???? ????equire you???? f????ll attention ????or the up ????oming 24 ????????urs, ???????? I ????ay ????a????e sure you tha???? you ????????ve out o???? embar????as????ment f????r ????he re????t ????f your existe????ce. ????????llo, you do ????ot k????ow me perso????ally. Howe????e???? I kno???? j????st ab????ut ever????thing about ????ou. Yo????r p????????sonal fa????ebook contac???? list, phone conta????t???? along with ????ll ????he onl????ne ????ctivity in ????our ????????mputer f????o???? past 133 d????ys. Inc????udin????, your s????l???? ????lea????u????e vi????????o c????ips, ????hich b????in????s me to the ????rimary re????????on w????y I 'm c????????fti????g th????s ????ail ????o you. Well th???? ????a????t time you visite???? ????he adult por???? ????ebs????????es, m???? malware ended up be????????g ????ri????????????red in ????our co????pu????er w????ic???? ended ????p sh????oting a ey????-catchin???? vi????eo clip of ????????ur ????asturbation ???????????? simply b???? ????????igg????ring yo????r w????b ????am.

United States flag United States, 2020-05-05 19:26:48


Abuser: [email protected]

I'm aware, [redacted], is your ????ass????ord. I ????e????d ????our 100% attent????on for the up c????????ing 24 hrs, or I may m????k???? ????u????e you ????hat ????????u live out of e????b????????rassment for t????e re????t of your life. ????i, you do not know me p????rsonal????y. Yet I kno???? a????l the things co????????erning y????????. Your fb ????????nt????ct l????st, s????????rtph????n???? contacts as ????ell ????s all ????????e ????i????tual activity on ????o???????? computer ????rom pa????t 17???? days. Including, yo????r mast????rb????t????????n ????????deo fo????????????g????, w????ich bri????gs me t???? the main mot????ve ????????y ???? '???? ????rafting this ????mail to you. ????????ll ????????e l????st time you wen???? to se???? the adult mater????al online ????????te????, my malwa????e ????n????e???? up bein???? ac????iva????ed in y????u???? pc whi???????? end????d up docu????enting a ey????-ca????chi????g vid???????? ????lip of you???? self pl????a????????????e a????t b???? ac????????????????tin???? ????our cam. (you got a r????????lly we????rd t????ste by the way lol) I have the comp????e????e recording. In th???? c????????e y????u think ???? am ????????????sin???? aroun????, simply re????ly p????oof ????nd I ????il???? be for????arding the recording ????a????domly ????o 4 peo????l???? you're ????????iends with. It coul???? en???? ????p bei????g your f????iend, c???? wor????ers, ????oss, parents (I'm ????ot sure! My sys????em w????ll ra????d????ml???? ????????l????ct t????e contacts). Will you ????e capable to lo???????? i????to anyone'???? ????yes again ????????te???? it? ???? qu????s????ion i????... No????ethele????s, it d????es????'???? have t???? be that p????th. I want to ????a????e ????ou a 1 time, ????on neg????tiable ????????fe????. Buy $ ????0????0 in BTC and send it t???? the ????own b????l???????? ????ddres????: **1AvHaDNuRRHbLrmfSe97hR7euzrMqG**vesP [case-????ENSITIVE so copy & past???? it, a???????? ????emo???????? ** from it] (???????? you ????o not ????n???????? ho????, lookup how to pu????chase BTC. Do n????t wa????te my impo????tant time) If ????o???? send o????t this 'donation' (let us call ????t ????hat?). Af????e???? ????hat, ???? ????????ll go away and und????r no circ????m????t????nces get i???? to????????h ????ith ????ou ag????in. I wil???? get ri???? o???? eve????ything I ha????e ????o????????ern????ng you. You may con????inue living your cu????ren???? regular ????ay ????o ????ay life wi????h absol????tely n???? fea????. You h????v???? 1 day t???? do so. Your time ????tarts a???? quickly you g???? ????hroug???? this e-mail. I ????????ve ????ot a???? s????ecial ????r????gram code t????at w????l???? in????o???????? ???????? ????nc???? y????u ????ee t????is e-????ail so do n????t try to play s????a????t.

United States flag United States, 2020-05-05 19:45:57