Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Matelda Dahl

Email scam, saying they hacked computer and have videos of me masterbating from a Webcam I don't have.

United States flag United States, 2020-05-05 18:40:01


Abuser: [email protected]

Ransomware email. demanding bitcoin or will send masturbation video to all contacts: "Pu????cha????e USD 3000 in ????????C and se????d it to t????e below ad????ress: **1BQomuAweKACAUme**4w8puyJbAc6VTG5qSA [????a????????-S????????S????????IVE, ????opy an???? pas???????? it, and remove ** ????rom it] (If y????u do not und????r????????and how, look online how to a????????uire BTC. Do not ????aste my ????mportant t????m????) ????f ????????u sen???? this partic????lar 'don????tion' (let'???? ????all this ????h?????????). ????????????????t ????fter ????hat, I will ????o a????ay and nev????r conta????t ????ou aga????n. I will get rid ????f ????????e????yth???????????? I've got in relation to ????????u. ????o???? m????y ????e????p ????n li????ing your o????dinary day t???? day li????estyle w????th absolutely no stress. You'????e 24 ????????urs in o????der to do s????. Your t????me ????????????l start as so????n you go th????ough t????is e ma????????. I have got ????n spec????al code that will al????rt ????e as so???????? a???? ????????u read this e-mail th????refore ????on't at????emp???? to ????lay ????mart. " Address may appear as "1BQomuAweKACAUme**4w8puyJbAc6VTG5qSA".

United States flag United States, 2020-05-08 02:25:54