Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: [email protected]

I máde á video šhowing how you šátišfy youršelf in the left hálf of the šcreen, ánd in the right hálf you šee the video thát you wátched. With one click of the mouše, I cán šend thiš video to áll your emáilš ánd contáctš on šociál networkš. I cán álšo pošt áccešš to áll your e-máil correšpondence ánd meššengerš thát you uše. If you wánt to prevent thiš, tránšfer the ámount of $600 to my bitcoin áddrešš (if you do not know how to do thiš, write to Google: Buy Bitcoin).

Ireland flag Ireland, 2020-04-15 08:08:36


Abuser: Troján Viruš

Same as previous: "I have your masturbation video"...

Ireland flag Ireland, 2020-04-15 18:01:46


Abuser: [email protected]

I ám á hácker who háš áccešš to your operáting šyštem. I álšo háve full áccešš to your áccount. I've been wátching you for á few monthš now. The fáct iš thát you were infected with málwáre through án ádult šite thát you višited. If you áre not fámiliár with thiš, I will expláin. Troján Viruš giveš me full áccešš ánd control over á computer or other device. Thiš meánš thát I cán šee everything on your šcreen, turn on the cámerá ánd microphone, but you do not know ábout it. I álšo háve áccešš to áll your contáctš ánd áll your correšpondence. I máde á video šhowing how you šátišfy youršelf in the left hálf of the šcreen, ánd in the right hálf you šee the video thát you wátched. With one click of the mouše, I cán šend thiš video to áll your emáilš ánd contáctš on šociál networkš. I cán álšo pošt áccešš to áll your e-máil correšpondence ánd meššengerš thát you uše. If you wánt to prevent thiš, tránšfer the ámount of $600 to my bitcoin áddrešš

Ireland flag Ireland, 2020-04-17 13:21:05