Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: [email protected]

is your password:) I'm Blanca. I recorded your cam which shows your filthy sexual actions & video you watched on the xxx video because that site was infected with my virus. You are looking appealing in the video. Your current email and Facebook contacts were then simply sent to me by my malware. I'll send your recording to your friends unless you send me $1294 via B I T C O I N S within the next 24 hours to the below address: Bit coin Address: 1C9HkUSzuEjyoindxQE5UzAHjWABJXteLM Please Copy and Paste the address because it is case sensitive. Once money is sent, I will destroy your recording and every bit of details I have about you. If I don't get the money, I will send your video to every contact of yours. Think about regarding the awkwardness you will get. and likewise if you are in a relationship, just how it will eventually affect? Want proof? Reply "Yes", & I will send your recording to six of your contacts right away. Faithfully yours - Blanca

Sweden flag Sweden, 2018-12-21 01:15:20