Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: 46-2-141.adsl.cyta.gr ([]

Í have very bad news for yoú. 03/01/2020 - on thís day í hacked yoúr OS and got fúll access to yoúr accoúnt (xxxxxxx) Íf yoú do not belíeve ít, yoú can check ít yoúrself. Í created thís letter ín yoúr accoúnt (the sender address matches the recípíent address). So, yoú can change the password, yes... Bút my malware íntercepts ít every tíme. How í made ít: Ín the software of the roúter, throúgh whích yoú went onlíne, was a vúlnerabílíty. Í júst hacked thís roúter and placed my

Belgium flag Belgium, 2020-04-09 19:51:46

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Email scam

Another desperate scamming asshole trying to take advantage of the weak minded.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 20:53:22

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Email spoof

This Email spoofer thinks that I watch that kind of content with my school email.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 21:10:08

Blackmail scam

Abuser: 1CwTNBNekpV7kDQ7pjF1ghsgqb1CaMq34k

Said they hacked into email account and tried to blackmail for money sent to bitcoin wallet.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 21:10:52


Abuser: 181-191-11-191.static.ftthtelecom.com.br

More garbage sextortion and empty threats.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 21:52:53


Abuser: company account

júst hacked thís roúter and placed my malícíoús code on ít. When yoú went onlíne, my trojan was ínstalled on the OS of yoúr devíce. After that, í made a fúll copy of yoúr dísk (í have all yoúr address book, hístory of víewíng sítes, all fíles, phone númbers and addresses of all yoúr contacts). A month ago, í wanted to lock yoúr devíce and ask for a not bíg amoúnt of btc to únlock. Bút í looked on the sítes that yoú regúlarly vísít, and í was shocked by what í saw!!! Í'm talk yoú aboút sítes for adúlts. Í want to say - yoú are a BíG pervert. Yoúr fantasy ís shífted far away from the normal coúrse! And í got an ídea... Í took a screenshot of an adúlt sítes where yoú had fún (yoú únderstand what í mean, ríght?). After that, í took a screenshot of yoúr mastúrbatíon (úsíng the camera of yoúr devíce) and glúed them together. Túrned oút amazíng! Yoú are so spectacúlar!

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 22:11:52


Abuser: used my email address to send

Í have very bad news for yoú. 03/01/2020 - on thís day í hacked yoúr OS and got fúll access to yoúr accoúnt Íf yoú do not belíeve ít, yoú can check ít yoúrself. Í created thís letter ín yoúr accoúnt (the sender address matches the recípíent address). So, yoú can change the password, yes... Bút my malware íntercepts ít every tíme. How í made ít: Ín the software of the roúter, throúgh whích yoú went onlíne, was a vúlnerabílíty. Í júst hacked thís roúter and placed my malícíoús code on ít. When yoú went onlíne, my trojan was ínstalled on the OS of yoúr devíce. After that, í made a fúll copy of yoúr dísk (í have all yoúr address book, hístory of víewíng sítes, all fíles, phone númbers and addresses of all yoúr contacts).....blah blah blah

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 22:36:22

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Not identified

Claims to have taken over my laptop and camera, threatens to release contents

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 22:37:00

spam email

Abuser: idk

guys claims to have recorded a video of me jacking off and threatens to send it to my parents. this is the second time i've gotten one of these and i don't even use bit coin

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 22:56:07


Abuser: Unknown

Asking for $1450 to be sent to BTC wallet 1CwTNBNekpV7kDQ7pjF1ghsgqb1CaMq34k

United States flag United States, 2020-04-09 23:38:17


Abuser: script kiddie aspiring to be a douchebag

Typical "I hacked your email and 'router'" email. The same one everyone's been using for days and days.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-10 01:07:22


Abuser: No name, used my own email

The email appeared to have come from myself, claimed he hacked my computer. The email is work email and the laptop stays in the office where I remode desktop into. I reported to IT. ---- Some of the email body with accents in the letters: And í got an ídea... Í took a screenshot of an adúlt sítes where yoú had fún (yoú únderstand what í mean, ríght?). After that, í took a screenshot of yoúr mastúrbatíon (úsíng the camera of yoúr devíce) and glúed them together. Túrned oút amazíng! Yoú are so spectacúlar! Í thínk $1450(USD) ís a very, very small amoúnt for my sílence. Besídes, í have been spyíng on yoú for so long, havíng spent a lot of tíme! Í wíll gíve yoú exactly two days (48 hoúrs) to make thís payment. As soon as yoú open thís letter, the tímer wíll work and tíme wíll pass.

Canada flag Canada, 2020-04-10 01:11:23

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Balckmain email

I received an email claiming the computer is hacked sent from a spoofed email address.

Canada flag Canada, 2020-04-10 02:17:48


Abuser: nonsense

same old idiots

United States flag United States, 2020-04-10 02:57:16


Abuser: used my email address to send

03/01/2020 - on thís day í hacked yoúr OS and got fúll access to yoúr accoúnt Íf yoú do not belíeve ít, yoú can check ít yoúrself. Í created thís letter ín yoúr accoúnt (the sender address matches the recípíent address). So, yoú can change the password, yes... Bút my malware íntercepts ít every tíme. How í made ít:Ín the software of the roúter, throúgh whích yoú went onlíne, was a vúlnerabílíty. Í júst hacked thís roúter and placed my malícíoús code on ít. When yoú went onlíne, my trojan was ínstalled on the OS of yoúr devíce. After that, í made a fúll copy of yoúr dísk (í have all yoúr address book, hístory of víewíng sítes, all fíles, phone númbers and addresses of all yoúr contacts).blah blah blah

Saudi Arabia flag Saudi Arabia, 2020-04-10 03:00:47