Blackmail scam
Abuser: spoofed (own email)
Your account was infected! Change the pswdright away! You do not heardabout meandyou obviously are most probably wanting to knowfor what reason you're reading this particular message. is it right? I'mhacker who openedyour emailand systemtwo months ago‐ I developedvirus to the adultvids (porn) sie andguess that youvisitedthis site to havefun(youknow what I mean)‐ Whilst you were keepinganeye on content. your browser startedout operating like a RDP (Remote Control)thathaveakeyloggerthatprovidedmetheabilityto accessyour screenandcamera‐ Needless to say. you'll be able to modify each of them. or have already modilied them‐ However it doesn't matter. my app updates it every 5 minutes. ... Youwillhave2daysto sendthepayment-(I builtinanexclusivepixeltothismessage.andrightnowI understandthat you've readthis email). To trackthereadingofamessageandtheactiwtywithinit.IuseaFacebookpixel- ...
Norway, 2019-03-18 19:46:49