Abuse to Bitcoin address

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: fake airdrop

fake airdrop on https://elondonation.org/airdrop/

Germany flag Germany, 2021-02-22 00:30:14

givaway scam

Abuser: givaway scam on https://elondonation.org/airdrop/

fake elonmusk profile on twitter claims to givaway btc on https://elondonation.org/airdrop/ this givaway is a scam - you'll never see your sent btc again

Germany flag Germany, 2021-02-22 00:41:54

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: elon musk give away

I just send in total 0.3 btc and realize that i lost all my money....i really thought you are sending btc back/ i just. I have been conned :-(

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2021-02-22 07:34:30

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: Fake Elon Musk

Fake Tesla Givaway. You should send that address bitcoins and get more back. Lost 0.0251 bitcons

Germany flag Germany, 2021-02-22 08:07:15