Blackmail scam
Abuser: Kriminelt nettverk / my e-mailadr
Same as the other last listed issues
Norway, 2018-12-17 09:40:45Same as the other last listed issues
Norway, 2018-12-17 09:40:45blackmail scam
Norway, 2018-12-17 13:30:02Utpressing, veldig bra språk
Norway, 2018-12-17 14:33:58Default porn blackmail scam.
Norway, 2018-12-17 14:41:00harassment
Norway, 2018-12-17 20:31:36Default porn blackmail scam.
Norway, 2018-12-17 21:56:40Ongoing criminal activity: Phishing email claiming that a sexual video has been recorded of the victim browsing porn. Norwegian language. Received from IP (ibericom/ES)
Norway, 2018-12-17 21:56:54Ransommail recived today. To a mailbox that dosnt exist. I got it because I have a bulk adresse on my domain. The mail was in Norwegian
Norway, 2018-12-17 22:39:29Porn blackmail scam, claiming they have videos of me
Norway, 2018-12-17 22:49:02Prøver og presse meg for penger.
Norway, 2018-12-19 17:54:37Default porn blackmail scam.
Norway, 2018-12-20 23:29:45Dermed fikk jeg også tilgang til alle dine kontakter. Hvorfor antivirusprogrammet ikke oppdaget skadelig kode? Svar: Jeg har en driver Trojan, jeg oppdatere sine signaturer hver fjerde time, slik at antivirus er rolig. Jeg laget en video som viser hvordan du tilfredsstiller deg selv på venstre halvdel av skjermen, og på høyre halvdel ser du videoen du så på. Med et klikk på en knapp, kan jeg sende denne videoen til alle dine e-postkontakter og sosiale nettverkskontakter.
Denmark, 2018-12-20 23:35:54treathen me about showing vidoes of med on sosial media, i have never ever done such Things. lets take them guys,
Norway, 2018-12-23 18:11:00Tried to make me pay for him not to spread videos of me polishing firehydrant (as we say here) Suspect it might be related to a breach?
Norway, 2019-01-10 12:23:01This scammer uses wallet Wallet [586fda0635] / 586fda063568930f with bitcoin address 1EdX5vtBiHGmkqbJc7VRSuVMx9Kpgh53Tp receiving and transferring bitcoins to the wallet [2f743ff974]. This is obviously the biggest nonsense, paying with Bitcoin is anonymous so the scammer cannot know who the money came from (there is no sender). The story as described in the mail is therefore incorrect and is not based on truths.
Netherlands, 2019-01-10 14:05:10