Blackmail scam
Abuser: Unknown
Sent a spam email wanting 900USD for not released inappropriate material they claim they have on you.
Australia, 2020-12-28 01:27:37Sent a spam email wanting 900USD for not released inappropriate material they claim they have on you.
Australia, 2020-12-28 01:27:37Sent a spam email wanting 1200EUR for not released inappropriate material they claim they have on you.
Spain, 2021-01-13 01:11:50Envía un correo de spam pidiendo 1200USD por presunto material encontrado en mi PC
Spain, 2021-01-13 12:54:11Pide un rescate de 1200USD por presunto material encontrado en mi PC
Netherlands, 2021-01-13 12:54:51Pide rescate de 1200 usd por presuntos datos robados de mi ordenador.
Spain, 2021-02-04 07:48:53