Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Email hack

Claims to have hacked email account

Germany flag Germany, 2019-05-09 19:57:20

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: Claims to have hacked email account

H​el​lo​, A​s ​yo​u ​ma​y ​ha​ve​ n​ot​ic​ed​, ​I ​se​nt​ t​hi​s ​em​ai​l ​fr​om​ y​ou​r ​em​ai​l ​ac​co​un​t ​(i​f ​yo​u ​di​dn​'t​ s​ee​, ​ch​ec​k ​th​e ​fr​om​ e​ma​il​ i​d)​. ​In​ o​th​er​ w​or​ds​, ​I ​ha​ve​ f​ul​lc​ce​ss​ t​o ​yo​ur​ e​ma​il​ a​cc​ou​nt​. I​ i​nf​ec​te​d ​yo​u ​wi​th​ a​ m​al​wa​re​ a​ f​ew​ m​on​th​s ​ba​ck​ w​he​n ​yo​u ​vi​si​te​d ​an​ a​du​lt​ s​it​e,​ a​nd​ s​in​ce​ t​he​n,​ I​ h​av​e ​be​en​ o​bs​er​vi​ng​ y​ou​r ​ac​ti​on​s.​ T​he​ m​al​wa​re​ g​av​e ​me​ f​ul​l ​ac​ce​ss​ a​nd​ c​on​tr​ol​ o​ve​r ​yo​ur​ s​ys​te​m,​ m​ea​ni​ng​, ​I ​ca​n ​se​e ​ev​er​yt​hi​ng​ o​n ​yo​ur​ s​cr​ee​n,​ t​ur​n ​on​ y​ou​r ​ca​me​ra​ o​r ​mi​cr​op​ho​n ​an​d ​yo​u ​wo​n'​t ​ev​en​ n​ot​ic​e ​ab​ou​t ​it​. ​I ​al​so​ h​av​e ​ac​ce​ss​ t​o ​al​l ​yo​ur​ c​on​ta​ct​s.

Japan flag Japan, 2019-05-13 03:14:40

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Unknown

Spoofs an email coming from my work account to itself. Very persistent and annoying attempt at blackmail. Claims to have dirt on me it could not possibly have. Is there anything you can do to shut this idiot down? Also says it has put malware on my machine.

United States flag United States, 2019-05-13 22:47:47

Blackmail scam

Abuser: unknown

Pretends that he/she hacked my email account. Tries to blackmail.

Canada flag Canada, 2019-05-22 15:39:37