Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: He used my email address

I am a programmer and hacked your computer 2 months ago. I kept saving information all the time, such as: browsing history, screen recordings, contacts, messages and much more. I already wanted to forget you, but recently I saw something interesting on your desktop. I'm talking about the day you visited a porn site. I decided to record video from the webcam and desktop. Now I have a video of you masturbating yourself. You know what I mean;) I connected to the webcam remotely, and turned off the indicator so that you would not notice anything. I have already written down all your contacts from the address book. All contacts from friends, acquaintances, relatives. All this will be with me. I am ready to forget about all this and completely stop accessing your computer and email. I guarantee I will not send these videos and delete all archives with them. After that I will leave and no longer bother you, but for that I want to have $ 500 worth of bitcoins in my wallet. You have 48 hours after reading this email. I still control your email and computer - and I know when you open them and read them. Don't try to change your email password, everything is under control. Do not try to contact me and answer this letter. I sent it to you from your email address. Take a look at the sender, you will see that I have complete control over your email and your computer. Bitcoin wallet address: 1FBsBou4BCjtqrtKy3ekXcsc4ZaRR8pmEA If you do not know how to buy bitcoins, you can find information on how to buy bitcoins online. If you need help, you can read several articles about it.

Poland flag Poland, 2021-04-23 19:44:14

Blackmail scam

Abuser: He didn't say in the email

Attempted to blackmail me by hacking my email and threatened to expose me for something I never did. He said if I send him $500 in bitcoin he would delete the evidence which they never had

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2021-04-26 16:34:11

Blackmail scam

Abuser: He didn't say in the email

Attempted to blackmail me by hacking my email and threatened to expose me for something I never did. He said if I send him $500 in bitcoin he would delete the evidence which they never had

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2021-04-26 16:34:11


Abuser: [email protected]

Je suis programmeur et j'ai piraté votre ordinateur il y a 2 mois. J'ai continué à enregistrer des informations tout le temps, telles que: l'historique de navigation, les enregistrements d'écran, les contacts, les messages et bien plus encore. Je voulais déjà vous oublier, mais récemment, j'ai vu quelque chose d'intéressant sur votre bureau. Je parle du jour où vous avez visité un site porno. J'ai décidé d'enregistrer une vidéo depuis la webcam et le bureau. Maintenant, j'ai une vidéo de vous en train de vous masturber. Tu sais ce que je veux dire;) Je me suis connecté à la webcam à distance et j'ai éteint l'indicateur pour que vous ne remarquiez rien. J'ai déjà noté tous vos contacts dans le carnet d'adresses. Tous les contacts d'amis, connaissances, parents. Tout cela sera avec moi. Je suis prêt à oublier tout cela et à arrêter complètement d'accéder à votre ordinateur et à votre courrier électronique. Je vous garantis que je n'enverrai pas ces vidéos et que je supprimerai toutes les archives avec elles. Après cela, je partirai et je ne vous dérangerai plus, mais pour cela, je veux avoir 500 $ de bitcoins dans mon portefeuille. Vous avez 48 heures après avoir lu cet e-mail. Je contrôle toujours votre messagerie et votre ordinateur - et je sais quand vous les ouvrez et les lisez. N'essayez pas de changer votre mot de passe de messagerie, tout est sous contrôle. N'essayez pas de me contacter et de répondre à cette lettre. Je vous l'ai envoyé à partir de votre adresse e-mail. Jetez un œil à l'expéditeur, vous verrez que j'ai un contrôle total sur votre courrier électronique et votre ordinateur. Adresse du portefeuille Bitcoin: 1FBsBou4BCjtqrtKy3ekXcsc4ZaRR8pmEA ... Ne sois pas offensé par moi. Si vous payez, rien ne se passe.

France flag France, 2021-04-28 19:51:21

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Used my e-mail address.

I am a programmer and hacked your computer 2 months ago. I kept saving information all the time, such as: browsing history, screen recordings, contacts, messages and much more. I already wanted to forget you, but recently I saw something interesting on your desktop. I'm talking about the day you visited a porn site. I decided to record video from the webcam and desktop. Now I have a video of you masturbating yourself. You know what I mean;) I connected to the webcam remotely, and turned off the indicator so that you would not notice anything. I have already written down all your contacts from the address book. All contacts from friends, acquaintances, relatives. All this will be with me. I am ready to forget about all this and completely stop accessing your computer and email. I guarantee I will not send these videos and delete all archives with them. After that I will leave and no longer bother you, but for that I want to have $ 500 worth of bitcoins in my wallet. You have 48 hours after reading this email. I still control your email and computer - and I know when you open them and read them. Don't try to change your email password, everything is under control. Do not try to contact me and answer this letter. I sent it to you from your email address. Take a look at the sender, you will see that I have complete control over your email and your computer. Bitcoin wallet address: 1FBsBou4BCjtqrtKy3ekXcsc4ZaRR8pmEA If you do not know how to buy bitcoins, you can find information on how to buy bitcoins online. If you need help, you can read several articles about it. I look forward to your actions. If you don't need this data online and with all your friends, send $ 500 to my wallet ASAP. After that I will erase all data and disappear from your life. Do not be offended by me. If you pay, nothing happens.

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2021-05-03 21:40:17

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: 1FBsBou4BCjtqrtKy3ekXcsc4ZaRR8pmEA

... Ich bin bereit, all dies zu vergessen und den Zugriff auf Ihren Computer und Ihre E-Mails vollständig zu beenden. Ich garantiere, dass ich diese Daten nicht senden und alle Archive mit ihnen löschen werde. Danach werde ich verschwinden und Sie nicht mehr stören, aber dafür möchte ich Bitcoins im Wert von 500 USD in meine Brieftasche. Sie haben 48 Stunden Zeit, nachdem Sie diesen Brief gelesen haben. Ich kontrolliere immer noch Ihre E-Mails und Ihren Computer - und ich werde wissen, wann Sie sie geöffnet und gelesen haben. Versuchen Sie nicht, Ihr E-Mail-Passwort zu ändern, ich habe die Kontrolle darüber. Versuchen Sie nicht, mich zu kontaktieren und auf diesen Brief zu antworten. Ich habe es Ihnen von Ihrer E-Mail gesendet. Schauen Sie sich den Absender an, Sie können sehen, dass ich die vollständige Kontrolle über Ihre E-Mails und Ihren Computer habe. Brieftaschenadresse Bitcoin: 1FBsBou4BCjtqrtKy3ekXcsc4ZaRR8pmEA Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie man Bitcoins kauft, finden Sie Informationen dazu im Internet. Um Hilfe zu erhalten, können Sie einige Artikel darüber lesen, um dies herauszufinden. https://localbitcoins.com/guides/how-to-buy-bitcoins https://www.coinbase.com/buy-bitcoin?locale=eu https://paxful.com/how-to-buy-bitcoin Ich warte auf deine Handlungen. Wenn Sie nicht möchten, dass diese Daten ins Internet und an alle Ihre Freunde gelangen, senden Sie so schnell wie möglich 500 US-Dollar an meine Brieftasche. Danach werde ich alle Daten löschen und aus Ihrem Leben verschwinden. Sei nicht beleidigt über mich. Wenn Sie bezahlen, passiert nichts.

Philippines flag Philippines, 2021-05-07 03:49:14

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Blackmail scammer

Sent an email saying they have hacked me and got webcam videos of me masturbating to porn. They are telling me to send them $500 in bitcoin or they will send the videos to all of my contacts.

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2021-05-13 08:53:40


Abuser: 1FBsBou4BCjtqrtKy3ekXcsc4ZaRR8pmEA

Me enviou esse email: I am a programmer and hacked your computer 2 months ago. I kept saving information all the time, such as: browsing history, screen recordings, contacts, messages and much more. I already wanted to forget you, but recently I saw something interesting on your desktop. I'm talking about the day you visited a porn site. I decided to record video from the webcam and desktop. Now I have a video of you masturbating yourself. You know what I mean;) I connected to the webcam remotely, and turned off the indicator so that you would not notice anything. I have already written down all your contacts from the address book. All contacts from friends, acquaintances, relatives. All this will be with me. I am ready to forget about all this and completely stop accessing your computer and email. I guarantee I will not send these videos and delete all archives with them. After that I will leave and no longer bother you, but for that I want to have $ 500 worth of bitcoins in my wallet. You have 48 hours after reading this email. I still control your email and computer - and I know when you open them and read them.

Brazil flag Brazil, 2021-05-18 19:02:52

Blackmail scam

Abuser: RĂ©gion parisienne

Adresse de l'escroc (lé[email protected] ) Adresse du portefeuille Bitcoin Bforbank 93109 Montreuil Cedex9. Renseignements avec adresse portefeuille Bitcoin pour la rançon

France flag France, 2021-06-05 14:07:55

Blackmail scam

Abuser: hacked my email and facebook

I am a programmer and hacked your computer 2 months ago. I kept saving information all the time, such as: browsing history, screen recordings, contacts, messages and much more. I already wanted to forget you, but recently I saw something interesting on your desktop. I'm talking about the day you visited a porn site. I decided to record video from the webcam and desktop. Now I have a video of you masturbating yourself. You know what I mean;) I connected to the webcam remotely, and turned off the indicator so that you would not notice anything. I have already written down all your contacts from the address book. All contacts from friends, acquaintances, relatives. All this will be with me. I am ready to forget about all this and completely stop accessing your computer and email. I guarantee I will not send these videos and delete all archives with them. After that I will leave and no longer bother you, but for that I want to have $ 500 worth of bitcoins in my wallet. You have 48 hours after reading this email. I still control your email and computer - and I know when you open them and read them. Don't try to change your email password, everything is under control. Do not try to contact me and answer this letter. I sent it to you from your email address. Take a look at the sender, you will see that I have complete control over your email and your computer. Bitcoin wallet address: 1FBsBou4BCjtqrtKy3ekXcsc4ZaRR8pmEA If you do not know how to buy bitcoins, you can find information on how to buy bitcoins online. If you need help, you can read several articles about I look forward to your actions. If you don't need this data online and with all your friends, send $ 500 to my wallet ASAP. After that I will erase all data and disappear from your life. Do not be offended by me. If you pay, nothing happens.

Bulgaria flag Bulgaria, 2021-06-07 20:30:26