Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: [email protected]

An alleged cracker (quite an idiot not to hide his ip) invaded my privacy when recording my own camera and then tried to extort money in bitcoins with this account that I report here, in exchange for not posting the videos, I have many emails from this person, every time the value of extortion increases and threatens to make the video public, however, I have been able to discover where these emails are sent, I also see that there are other victims, I inform them that they can go to the interpol and the fbi and I'm not afraid of these damn criminals, the only way to fight crime is to denounce these bastards and assert our rights

Peru flag Peru, 2019-01-31 01:43:26


Abuser: The blackmailer who the wallet [00225e1533]

The blackmailer who the wallet [00225e1533] used with 13 bitcoin addresses transfers the extorted amounts to the wallets. [79544310b8] [fea2c7fa90] [8fba94d41d] [76de7e7277] [10d1bb8ccc]. This is obviously the biggest nonsense, paying with Bitcoin is anonymous so the scammer cannot know who the money came from (there is no sender). The story as described in the mail is therefore incorrect and is not based on truths.

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2019-02-02 12:50:40


Abuser: The blackmailer who the wallet [00225e1533]

The blackmailer who the wallet [00225e1533] used with 13 bitcoin addresses transfers the extorted amounts to the wallets. [79544310b8] [fea2c7fa90] [8fba94d41d] [76de7e7277] [10d1bb8ccc]. This is obviously the biggest nonsense, paying with Bitcoin is anonymous so the scammer cannot know who the money came from (there is no sender). The story as described in the mail is therefore incorrect and is not based on truths.

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2019-02-02 12:51:53

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Unknown

Der Trojaner-Virus ermöglicht mir den vollständigen Zugriff und die Kontrolle über einen Computer oder ein anderes Gerät. ... Ich aktualisiere alle vier Stunden die Signaturen, damit Ihr Antivirus nicht verwendet wird. Ich habe ein Video gemacht, das zeigt, wie du befriedigst dich... in der linken Hälfte des Bildschirms zufriedenstellen, und in der rechten Hälfte sehen Sie das Video, das Sie angesehen haben. Mit einem Mausklick kann ich dieses Video an alle Ihre E-Mails und Kontakte in sozialen Netzwerken senden. Ich kann auch Zugriff auf alle Ihre E-Mail-Korrespondenz und Messenger, die Sie verwenden, posten. Wenn Sie dies verhindern möchten, übertragen Sie den Betrag von 375€ an meine Bitcoin-Adresse. Meine Bitcoin-Adresse (BTC Wallet) lautet: 1G1qFoadiDxa7zTvppSMJhJi63tNUL3cy7 Nach Zahlungseingang lösche ich das Video und Sie werden mich nie wieder hören. Ich gebe dir 48 Stunden, um zu bezahlen.

Germany flag Germany, 2019-02-05 17:36:00


Abuser: Received: from ray.com

H​el​lo​, A​s ​yo​u ​ma​y ​ha​ve​ n​ot​ic​ed​, ​I ​se​nt​ t​hi​s ​em​ai​l ​fr​om​ y​ou​r ​em​ai​l ​ac​co​un​t ​(i​f ​yo​u ​di​dn​'t​ s​ee​, ​ch​ec​k ​th​e ​fr​om​ e​ma​il​ i​d)​. ​In​ o​th​er​ w​or​ds​, ​I ​ha​ve​ f​ul​lc​ce​ss​ t​o ​yo​ur​ e​ma​il​ a​cc​ou​nt​. I​ i​nf​ec​te​d ​yo​u ​wi​th​ a​ m​al​wa​re​ a​ f​ew​ m​on​th​s ​ba​ck​ w​he​n ​yo​u ​vi​si​te​d ​an​ a​du​lt​ s​it​e,.....​ To​ s​to​p ​me​, ​tr​an​sf​er​ $976​ t​o ​my​ b​it​co​in​ a​dd​re​ss​.

Italy flag Italy, 2019-04-06 23:07:39


Abuser: unknown

standard text like the other examples

Austria flag Austria, 2019-05-30 12:08:12