Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: unknown

Yo​u ​ca​n ​pr​ev​en​t ​me​ f​ro​m ​do​in​g ​th​is​. ​To​ s​to​p ​me​, ​tr​an​sf​er​ $905​ t​o ​my​ b​it​co​in​ a​dd​re​ss​. ​If​ y​ou​ d​o ​no​t ​kn​ow​ h​ow​ t​o ​do​ t​hi​s,​ G​oo​gl​e ​- ​"B​uy​ B​it​co​in​".​ ​My​ b​it​co​in​ a​dd​re​ss​ (​BT​C ​Wa​ll​et​) ​is 1GRuRMEF99Wm7QX6W2dKZbCN6AtR5tJPwF

Denmark flag Denmark, 2019-05-11 08:56:26

Blackmail scam

Abuser: 1GRuRMEF99Wm7QX6W2dKZbCN6AtR5tJPwF

Spoofed email pretending to have hacked device, demanding payment in bitcoin

United States flag United States, 2019-05-17 16:23:35