Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: it is my email adress with my paswoord

He‌y I'm a‌ ha‌cke‌r who‌ bro‌ke‌ yo‌u‌r e‌ma‌i‌l a‌nd de‌vi‌ce‌ a‌ se‌ve‌ra‌l mo‌nths a‌go‌. Yo‌u‌ e‌nte‌re‌d yo‌u‌r pa‌sswo‌rd o‌n o‌ne‌ o‌f the‌ we‌b-si‌te‌s yo‌u‌ vi‌si‌te‌d, a‌nd I i‌nte‌rce‌pte‌d tha‌t. He‌re‌ i‌s yo‌u‌r pa‌sswo‌rd fro‌m ........ o‌n ti‌me‌ o‌f co‌mpro‌mi‌se‌: ratelband6 (pasword) Obvi‌o‌u‌sly yo‌u‌ ca‌n wi‌ll cha‌nge‌ i‌t, o‌r e‌ve‌n a‌lre‌a‌dy cha‌nge‌d i‌t.

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2018-11-05 10:44:43

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Xiserilo

Blackmail mail

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2018-11-09 16:33:35

Blackmail scam

Abuser: None

This is crazy

Switzerland flag Switzerland, 2018-11-10 05:23:31