Abuser: [email protected]
GУrШeФeМtЯiГnЭgПs! ЮI haЧve to shaАre baШd neВws wiБth yoУu. ЯApproxГimately a few monАths ago, I gained accМess to Уyour deviОces, which you use for inteВrnet broЮwsing. ТAfter that, I have started tracПking your internet activБities. ИHere is the sequence of events: ХSome time ago, I purcЮhased accЙess to emЧail accШounts from hacВkers (nowadays, it is quite simple to buy it onlРine). ЦI have easily managed to lШog in to your emАail accouТnt (x). ЖOne week later, I have already instalШled the TroОjan ИvirИus on the OperatЧing SysЗtems of all the devices you use to access your emaНil. ЭIt was not hard at all (since you were following the links from your inbБox emaПils). All ingenious is simple. :) КThis software provides me with access to all your devices' controllers (e.g., your micrКophone, vidГeo cameПra, and keybЙoard). ЛI have downloРaded all your informКation, datЫa, phoЮtos, web browsing history to my serМvers. ЖI have access to all your messengers, social netwЙorks, emaiГls, chat hiЩstory, and contaКcts list. БMy viОrus continuously refreshes the signatures (it is driХver-based) and hence remains invisible for antiЖvirЯus softФАware.
Morocco, 2021-07-07 18:08:01