Blackmail scam
Abuser: [email protected]
i setup â mâlware on the X stramĭng (sexually grâphic) wbsite and thre's mor, you visited this sit tō experĭence fun (you know what i mean). When you wre viwing vĭdeō clips, your browser started functionĭng âs a Remot contrōl Dsktōp with â ky logger which gav me access tō yoųr display ând also web câm. immedĭatly after thât, my softwâre obtaind all your cōntacts from yoųr Messnger, social networks, âs wll âs e-mailaccount. and then ĭ mâde a doubl video. First pârt displâys the vido yoų wer wâtchĭng (you hav a fĭne tâste lol), and next pârt shows the recording of yōur cam, yah its u.
United States, 2019-08-22 16:16:44