Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Hi! I've your password - egor_oskin_01 I infiltrated your PC with private spyw are via porno site that you visited some time ago. I have video of you masturbating from webcam. I have all of your personal data, contacts and friends lists. 2 choices: either you pay me 600$ in BTC(you can google the way to purchase it), or I'm sending your video to all of your kins and friends. It'll be life ruine. Wallet: 1K4Z65m28HHXWqzKyAtBMWiMSkDXBEh9y2 After payment is made, all your information will be deleted automatically. You've got 24 hours, I know you just read this email, clock is ticking. Take care!

Germany flag Germany, 2018-11-07 00:34:04

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Usual scam mail from some pervert

Canada flag Canada, 2018-11-07 02:57:21

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

I have your password - ........................................ I infected your PC with private spyw are via porno site which you seen some time ago. I have video of you masturbating from webcam. I have all of your personal information, contacts and friends lists. 2 options: either you pay me 600$ in BTC(you can google how to purchase it), or I am sending your video to all of your kins and friends. It'll be total disgrace/life ruine. Wallet: 1K4Z65m28HHXWqzKyAtBMWiMSkDXBEh9y2 After payment is made, all your info will be deleted automatically. You've got 24 hours, I know you read this email, clock is ticking. Best of luck!

Turkey flag Turkey, 2018-11-07 08:32:37

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Shit like "I infiltrated your PC with private tro jan via porno site which you seen..."

Russia flag Russia, 2018-11-07 09:55:18

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Greetings! I have your password - .... I infected your PC through porno site which you visited a while ago with private spyw are. I have video of you masturbating from webcam. I have all of your personal data, contacts and friends lists. 2 options: either you pay me 600$ in BTC(you can google how to buy it), or I'm sending your video to all your kins and friends. It will be total disgrace/life ruine. Wallet: 1KtAGaKHX3HVZvtuRCB1fpg37gSLLYG69g After payment is made, all your private info will be deleted automatically. You have 24 hours, I know you just read this email, clock is ticking. Good luck!

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2018-11-07 11:06:23

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Greetings! I have your password I hacked your PC with personal tro jan via porno website which you seen some time ago. I've got video of you masturbating from webcam. I have all of your private information, contacts and friends lists. 2 options: either you pay me 600$ in BTC(you can google the way to buy it), or I am sending your video to all of your kins and friends. It will be complete disgrace/life ruine. Wallet: 1K4Z65m28HHXWqzKyAtBMWiMSkDXBEh9y2 After payment is made, all your information will be deleted automatically. You have 24 hours, I know you just read this email, clock is ticking. Take care!

Slovakia flag Slovakia, 2018-11-07 12:55:58


Abuser: [email protected]

Good day! I've your password - ****************** (md5 hash) I infected your PC with private tro jan via porno website that you visited some time ago. I have video of you masturbating from webcam. I have all your personal data, contacts and friends lists. 2 choices: either you pay me 600$ in BTC(you may google how to buy it), or I'm sending your movie to all of your kins and friends. It will be complete disgrace/life ruine. Wallet: 1K4Z65m28HHXWqzKyAtBMWiMSkDXBEh9y2 After payment is made, all of your private information will be deleted automatically. You have 24 hours, I know you just read this email, clock is ticking. Sincerely!

Russia flag Russia, 2018-11-07 18:42:09


Abuser: [email protected]

I have your password - I hacked your PC with private tro jan through porno site which you visited a while ago. I've got video of you masturbating from webcam. I have all of your personal information, contacts and friends lists. 2 options: either you pay me 600$ in BTC(you can google the way to buy it), or I am sending your video to all your kins and friends. It'll be total disgrace/life ruine. Wallet: 1K4Z65m28HHXWqzKyAtBMWiMSkDXBEh9y2 Once payment is made, all of your private information will be deleted automatically. You've got 24 hours, I know you just read this email, clock is ticking. Best wishes!

Poland flag Poland, 2018-11-07 19:33:01


Abuser: [email protected]

Greetings! I've your password - ________ I infected your PC with private tro jan via porno site that you visited a while ago. I've got video of you masturbating from webcam. I have all your private information, contacts and friends lists. 2 choices: either you pay me 600$ in BTC(you can google how to buy it), or I am sending your video to all of your kins and friends. It will be life ruine. Wallet: 1K4Z65m28HHXWqzKyAtBMWiMSkDXBEh9y2 Once payment is made, all of your personal info will be deleted automatically. You've got 24 hours, I know you just read this email, clock is ticking. Take care!

Canada flag Canada, 2018-11-08 02:00:11

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Good day! I've your password - xxxx I hacked your PC with private spyw are through porno site that you visited a while ago. I have video of you masturbating from webcam. I have all your personal data, contacts and friends lists. 2 choices: either you pay me 600$ in BTC(you can google the way to purchase it), or I'm sending your video to all of your kins and friends. It'll be total disgrace/life ruine. Wallet: 1K4Z65m28HHXWqzKyAtBMWiMSkDXBEh9y2 Once payment is made, all your private info will be deleted automatically. You've got 24 hours, I know you just read this email, clock is ticking. Sincerely!

Poland flag Poland, 2018-11-08 09:09:55

Blackmail scam


Using a password I used once (I don't remember where, probably a one-off for forums), the scammer asks for $600 and threats to exploit a personal video that obviously does not exist.

Italy flag Italy, 2018-11-09 11:06:21

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

amandzia.jaw - Pozdrowienia, moja ofiara. Znam twoje hasło - ................ . To jest moje ostatnie ostrzeżenie. Piszę o tym, ponieważ umieszczam trojana na stronie z pornografią, którą odwiedziłeś. Moje złośliwe oprogramowanie wyłapało wszystkie twoje dane osobowe na twojej kamerce internetowej. Wkrótce potem trojan ten umieścił twoją listę kontaktów. Usuwam kompromitujące filmy i dane, jeśli zapłacisz 600 $ w bitcoinie. To jest adres do zapłaty za portfel: 1Kso5XCxGq2jDAus99hRquhDRdjiLApGVi (możesz google na "jak kupić Bitcoin") Daję ci dwadzieścia cztery godziny, gdy zobaczysz moją wiadomość o dokonaniu płatności. Jak tylko zobaczysz wiadomość e-mail, od razu się o tym dowiem. Nie musisz mnie informować, że wysłałeś mi BTC. Ten adres jest połączony z Tobą, mój skrypt usunie wszystko natychmiast po potwierdzeniu transferu. Jesteś gotowy, aby odwiedzić ...

Poland flag Poland, 2018-11-19 05:47:49