Extortion and bomb treat
Abuser: [email protected]
Good day. I write you to inform you that my man has carried a bomb (Hexogen) into the building where your company is conducted. My recruited person built the explosive device according to my guide. It has small dimensions and it is hidden very carefully, it can not damage the structure of the building, but you will get many victims if it detonates. . I would like to offer you a transaction. You transfer me 20'000 usd in Bitcoin and the device will not explode, but don't try to cheat -I ensure you that I have to withdraw my mercenary only after 3 confirmations in blockchain network. Here is my btc address : 1LrZorkdqzPsg8JaGLwjLwg35viiH1Sv9v If the bomb explodes and the authorities notice this letter!
Canada, 2018-12-13 21:22:42