Abuser: Ailis Heubert
Do you really thİnk it wás some kind ōf joke or that you can ignōre me? I can see whát yōu áre dōİng. Stōp shopping and fucking around, your time is álmōst over. Yea, I know what yōu were doİng pást coũple of days. I hav been observing you. Btw. nice cár yōu have got there.. I wonder how it will lōok with pics of your dİck and face... Bcause yōu thİnk yoũ áre smárter and cán disrgard me, I am posting the vİdos I recordd wİth yōu másturbating to the pōrn rİght now. I will upload the videos I acquired alōng with som of your detaİls to the onlİne forum. I ámsur they wİll love to see you İn actiōn, and yoũ will soōn discover what İs goİng to háppen to yōu. --Snip-- If yoũ want to save yōũrself - better áct fást, becaũse right now you are fũckd. We will not leáve you alōne, ánd there are mány pople on the groũps that wİll máke yōũr lİfe feel really bád
Australia, 2019-08-25 23:49:13