Abuse to Bitcoin address

through Telegram and official looking website with online chat support

Abuser: FidelityPal company having individuals targetting people on Telegram

An individual on Telegram (username: @MolekJj22) privately messaged me telling about fidelitypal and added me to the group ((name: Official fidelitypal telegram...) and has almost 4,000 members in it). This person connected me with their friend on Telegram (@Maxisjjj) who also pointed me towards fidelitypal. So I registered an account with fidelitypal and invested in some bitcoin expecting to get a good return in 24 hours as the testimonials on the Telegram page were saying (including the official looking website). The website is: fidelitypal.net They have online 24/7 support chat on their home page. I was talking with someone on their online chat. I invested $200 expecting a return of 20% in 24 hours but did not get it so I contacted this support chat to follow this up. I was told that because my amount invested when received was less than $200 in bitcoin I had to try again because the bot they were using for these investments only executed payouts for amounts of $200 or above so I sent more money. I was then told if I also invested $320 in bitcoin I could become an admin so I invested this. I was then told if I invested $2,000 I'd get $7,200 back. So I did this and then I was told that they had already programmed my payment at $11,200 so I needed to deposit another $2,000 to get that $11,200. I replied saying why have you done this without asking first if I could afford another $2,000? I did not get a straight answer and could not proceed any further unless I gave more money at which point this scam was very obvious to me. Here are the bitcoin transaction IDs: 97336230ec2fb3fc31705d2506f59cf63b665bc346690569ad4918a0986b983b 7f870578a8dbe76cea430688541403c6509013318938bcfb1aec99be27fe43c6 d7b35044cfc59285d038f272db97e4266d58832e1117ca746210b535c9677bb6 586ae7310c904d1cbb8d738b6b69dc510182084b0cd2b2578f78f2f9ea02ac78 6c9eea2faa30bc55a0d2e00dfaec004fcdddd82b838bffff32930114c937c6bb Please help!

New Zealand flag New Zealand, 2021-05-13 12:46:21

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: Fraude - https://t.me/FX_tradeBinary

Endereço do telegram https://t.me/FX_tradeBinary só deixam escrever uma mensagem a cada 60minutos. Não passam informações verdadeiras e fui banido quando disse que o site e o serviço eram falsos. Fiz o pagto de $60 dolares e esperava receber $12. Mas "milagrosamente" fui contemplado a receber $1200, porém eu tinha que pagar outros $180. Aí já vi o golpe. Ainda conversei com 3 pessoas do grupo que insistiam em me dizer para "confiar neles" e que pagasse o que a empresa estava pedindo. Não me passaram nenhuma confiança, não me deram nenhuma informação da empresa, se recusaram em passar até mesmo qualquer rede social para eu ver se eram pessoas verdadeiras, e pelas formas de escreverem percebi que não são brasileiros, pois aparentemente estavam usando o tradutor para conversar comigo e as palavras muitas vezes ficavam desconexas com o assunto. Enfim fraude. https://t.me/FX_tradeBinary - telegram https://wa.me/message/X6LL2IIMKZHWL1 - whatsapp Muita fraude.

Brazil flag Brazil, 2021-05-15 14:43:00

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Fidelitypal

Un réseau d'arnaque

Burkina Faso flag Burkina Faso, 2021-09-25 13:38:44