Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Return-Path: [email protected]

Now they are using image of the text, which is not very clever as the ask you to cut and past the BTC address, ..."Your Account is now infected It will be good idea to change your password this time!

Ireland flag Ireland, 2019-04-28 10:29:20


Abuser: [email protected]

Text contained in graphic image shown below with spelling errors. Spoofed email to look like came from my email domain with 123456 in front of it. But actually sent through the account listed as abuser above. Beginning of text in image. "Hi, this account was recently hacked! It will be a good idea to change your pswd right away! You might not heard about me and you may most likely interested for what reasons you are receiving this electronic message right? I'mhacker who exploitedyour email boxand OSseveral months ago."" Blah, blah, blah, adult video tracking, got webcam video of me, etc, etc. $1,000 asking price to not reveal secrets.

United States flag United States, 2019-04-28 18:13:09

Blackmail scam

Abuser: return path: [email protected]

blablabla I entered your email blablabla I hacked into your account blablabla gimme bitcoin (but with a lot more spelling errors) The annoying part is that most people get scared by seeing their own email address as the sender.

Italy flag Italy, 2019-04-29 07:50:40


Abuser: Quoted Return-Path:

My description matches the other three already filed reports.

Sweden flag Sweden, 2019-04-29 09:21:19


Abuser: Spoofed email

Ransomware, same text as others.

Australia flag Australia, 2019-04-29 20:37:06


Abuser: my own

They say they hacked my computer and blackmail me saying that they will show some recording from my webcam and computer. Please your propper actions with this account

Ecuador flag Ecuador, 2019-04-30 19:57:52


Abuser: 1MKGm1H1Y9jRgqRpZYCSeT3EeL6Ut4hnzF

Same text as the others. Mail containing a screenshot of a text claiming 1000 USD under 48 hours.

Belgium flag Belgium, 2019-05-02 08:00:15

faked account hack

Abuser: Message ID: <55821321891740.129D18E37037DEA3centralmedia.pl>

Contains an image with countless spelling errors. Spoofed email to look like came from my own account origin from a public mail service <55821321891740.129D18E37037DEA3<at>centralmedia.pl> somewhere in Poland. Beginning of text in image. ~~~~ "Hi, this account was recently hacked! It will be a good idea to change your pswd right away! You might not heard about me and you may most likely interested for what reasons you are receiving this electronic message right? I'mhacker who cracked your email box.." ... Demanding $1,000.

Germany flag Germany, 2019-05-02 09:10:53


Abuser: X-Sender-Info: Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 19:11:46 +0200

Same text as the others

France flag France, 2019-05-02 09:37:54


Abuser: sextortion

Generic sextortion in English asking for 1000USD.

Finland flag Finland, 2019-05-03 10:36:20

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Hi, this account has been infected!

The idiots never quit. Another bitcoin scam with wording and threats inside a image so you can not copy and paste any of the wording. Uses my email address as To: /From:/Reply: but it was actually sent from a non-US IP address. Wants 1000 USB.

United States flag United States, 2019-05-06 16:51:31


Abuser: my own email

I received an email from me saying that some hacker used my webcam to make videos of me while accessing a porn site.

Brazil flag Brazil, 2019-06-14 23:22:10